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Start Here: Embrace a Self-Reliant Lifestyle with Practical Advice

Welcome to Experimental Homesteader, your comprehensive guide to self-sufficiency and sustainable living.

If you are new, start here to embrace a self-reliant lifestyle.

I'm Sheri Ann Richerson, a passionate homesteader, gardener, and author dedicated to sharing practical advice and hands-on projects to help you embrace a more self-reliant lifestyle.

Our content is organized into six main categories:

A basket full of fresh eggs, herbs, and vegetables, part of Sheri Ann's homestead harvest at Exotic Gardening Farm.

1. Lifestyle

Explore organic living, home remodeling, decorating, cleaning, fashion, beauty, and toy reviews.

2. Prepping

Learn survival and emergency preparedness strategies.

Sheri Ann Richerson sitting on hay bales at Exotic Gardening Farm, smiling while working on the homestead.

3. Animal Husbandry

Gain insights into caring for horses, goats, sheep, poultry, dogs, and cats.

4. Crafty Creations

Engage in natural crafting, essential oil distillation, herbal preparations, homemade cleaners, spinning yarn, weaving, paper crafting, Cricut projects, and sewing/embroidery.

5. Elegant Cooking

Shelves lined with jars of preserved food, including green beans and other canned goods, at Exotic Gardening Farm.

6. Food Preservation

Master stocking up, canning, freezing, dehydrating, and root cellaring.



All The Recipes From Elegant Cooking And Food Preservation

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Grouped Topics

Stay ahead with our month-by-month homesteading and prepping guides tailored to seasonal needs. Celebrate every season and holiday with DIY projects, homestead prep, and tips for creating memorable celebrations. Each category provides practical guidance for a well-prepared homestead year-round:

Fall Prepping

Prepare your homestead for winter with essential tasks like root cellar storage, food preservation, and livestock winterization.

Food Security and Summer Sustainability

Ensure long-term food security through strategies like solar dehydration, outdoor cooking techniques, and strengthening homestead security.

Harvest and Summer Food Preservation

Maximize your summer harvest with techniques such as water bath and pressure canning, long-term produce storage, and drying methods.

Homestead Holidays and Winter Preparedness

Celebrate the season while preparing your homestead for winter, featuring handmade gifts, cozy meals, and essential preparedness tips.

National Prepping Month

Get ready for anything with a prepping challenge via email, emergency drills, bug-out bag essentials, and self-defense techniques.

Self-Reliance and Off-Grid Living

Embrace self-sufficiency with skills like solar power, alternative energy projects, and sustainable off-grid solutions.

Self-Sufficiency Skills and Homestead DIY Month

Build your skills with projects like soap making, candle making, and setting up alternative heating.

Winter Preparedness and Homestead Planning

Ensure your homestead is ready for winter with tasks like stocking up on animal feed, making emergency heat plans, and seasonal meal planning.

A warm, inviting homestead scene featuring practical self-reliant living elements, welcoming visitors to start their journey.

Learn More -

Learn more about me, making money online, and tech-related product reviews on my personal website SheriAnnRicherson.com.

For gardening enthusiasts, visit my gardening blog, Exotic Gardening Thoughts.

You can also grab my blogging advice over at BiannualBlog-A-Thon.com

If you are into collecting vintage Halloween decorations, be sure to check out my blog HalloweenCollectorsSociety.com

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