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How To Care For Goats

In addition to learning how to care for goats, beginning goat owners also usually end up needing to learn about goat meat, goat milk and the various products you can make with goat milk.

The first step of course is making sure you choose healthy goats, regardless if you start with older ones or decide to start with babies.

While many goat breeders sell the babies within 24 hours after they are born, my advice to you is to avoid buying goat kids this young.

Newborn goats need the colostrum their mothers produce and in my personal experience babies raised on their mothers are just as friendly as those that are bottle fed.

The key is to make sure you spend time in the barn with the goat kids every day so they get used to people being around them.

It is also important to make sure the mother goat is in good health and receives adequate food to produce enough milk for her kids as well as having some left over for you.

A goat eating grass.

How To Care For Goats Plus How To Handle Goat Milk

Below is some other information you are sure find useful on how to care for goats naturally.

Of course you can expect new articles to appear here from time to time.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below.

A goat eating grass.

All About Goats

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