53 Organic Living Tips
These organic living tips help with a healthy lifestyle.
These organic living tips help with a healthy lifestyle.
Disclaimer: This post has been sponsored by Groupon and I have been compensated for posting it. However, my opinions are based on my individual and unique experience. All opinions are 100% mine. I would never recommend a product or service to my readers that I did not like myself. Let's face it, we all love saving …
The Perfect Portions Diet Results are real - and I know because I gave it a try. I never thought I would go on a diet. I never planned to go on a diet. Yes, I knew I was slightly overweight but still - I was ok with that. Then I saw a specialist who …
Valentine's Day offers a great opportunity to celebrate not only each other, but your holistic connection. The term "holistic" refers to the integrated interaction between the functioning parts of a whole. Valentine's Day is a wonderful time to embrace this concept - heart, mind, and body. Here are some holistic Valentine's Day ideas - …
This Valentine's Day, why not have a green valentines day party? No, I do not mean decorate with green hearts, plates and other items. Valentine's Day can be such a wasteful holiday, with all the mass-produced paper cards, cheap teddy bears, unhealthy chocolates, cut flowers and trinkets that many people end up throwing away. Counteract …
One of the most romantic, memorable things you can do for your partner on Valentine's Day is show them how much care. You can create memorable moments with the simplest of actions, like telling them about all their favorite things. The best part is that it doesn't have to break any budgets! Below are my …
Disclaimer: I received one Daich Coatings SpreadStone Mineral Select Countertop Finishing Kit in Volcanic Black for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own. Yes, you can update your homestead kitchen countertops on a budget if you use the Daich Coatings SpreadStone Mineral Select Countertop Finishing Kit. The process is easy, …
There are so many reasons to start cooking by kerosene lamp. Some practical ones are power outages, living off grid or simply because you are trying to save on your electric bill. No, I have not lost my mind - and no this is not something I do every night - but tonight it was …
Disclaimer: I did receive this item for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own. There are also links to products I recommend from companies I have a referral relationship with. I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. When I saw this women's fashion tunic top …
From their humble beginnings in 1903 to the recognized name they are today, the history of Harley-Davidson motorcycles is definitely the stuff legends are made of. The dream began in 1903 for the Davidson brothers, William D., Walter and Arthur and William S. Harley in a 10’ x 15’ shed located in the Davidson’s families …
Disclaimer: I am working with Disney Parks and MomSelect. I received free products in order to host the Disney Side @Home Celebration. The opinions expressed here are my own. Being chosen to receive the DisneySide Blogger Toolkit was not something I expected to happen. Talk about being surprised – that was my initial reaction when …
Disclaimer: The reviewer has received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. All opinions are my own and are my honest opinions based on my own experience with the product. Being chosen as a Team Cottonelle blogger was absolutely amazing and something I really did not expect to happen. Cottonelle sent a huge …
Disclaimer: I received the Perfect Sandwich Container from ContainThis! in exchange for my honest, unbiased review. All opinions are my own. Learning how to to pack a zero waste lunch isn't hard at all once you understand what you need to do to accomplish this. You may be concerned with all the waste that seems …
An eco friendly wedding makes sense for those couples who are environmentally conscious. Creating a dream wedding, large or small, should be about more than just spending money on a big ceremony. A dream wedding should incorporate the couple’s beliefs as well as their likes. The wedding day should be the first day of the rest …
When it comes to a classic look plus durability, leather jackets can't be beat. Leather and bomber jackets have been popular since at least 1919, maybe longer. What is it about these jackets that never go out of style?
Exercise is good for our health, however there are potential health problems from over exercising. There comes a point when enough is enough even for active homesteaders or preppers who need to be in good physical shape should SHTF.
Those who ride the waves, claim there are many surfing benefits to be had. Some surfers consider catching a wave to be a spiritual experience, others consider it more physical. All agree that surfing is a lot of fun and does have physical benefits. After all, being in shape and healthy is important, who says …
Teaching your child a few basic child safety tips is so important, especially now, even if you live off grid. Teach children, at an early age, how to stay safe and avoid potentially dangerous situations by following a few simple tips from the National Child Safety Council (NCSC).
Guest Post from Loralee Buying a new bed can be daunting and expensive task. I’ve been sleeping on an air bed for sometime and nothing ruins an evening as much as a hissing half deflated bed and a futon mattress on the floor that is no longer an adventure. So I started looking for a …
A basic aromatherapy oil kit is something everyone who is into essential oils should have. It doesn't matter if you start your basic aromatherapy oil kit one essential oil at a time or if you purchase them all at once. The most important thing is to choose high quality essential oils, not fragrance oils.
Disclaimer: This was a sponsored trip, the motorcycle was provided by Daytona Harley-Davidson and the photographs were taken for free in exchange for the article. All opinions are my own. Warm weather seems to bring two things out in people, the desire for romance and the desire to ride. While some may dream of a …
Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by Disney Parks and MomSelect. I received free products in order to host the Disney Side @Home Celebration. The opinions expressed here are my own. Back in January I blogged about receiving a DisneySide @Home Celebration Blogger Toolkit filled with a number of items I was to use to host a …
Growing up we ate together as a family, but I never realized how important dinner with the family was until I had my own family. Every night it was the same growing up. We sat together at the dinner table. There was no television or phones allowed, not that we had cell phones or even …
Welcome to the ultimate collection of green and organic living tips. I hope you enjoy this collection of organic living tips and green lifestyle articles. Living as naturally and organically as possible is important to me and I hope it is to you as well
Homesteading today is quite popular, but the roots of homesteading can be traced all the way back to the Homestead Act of 1862. Often people who want to start homesteading wonder things such as how do I start a self-sufficient homestead, where can I find free property for homesteading or even how much land do …
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. I received the #MyBioDefense UV-C Sanitizing Wand for free or at a reduced price in exchange for my honest, unbiased review. All opinions are my own. Many of us use environmentally friendly cleaning products, but have you thought about the cleaning tools you're using? There are environmental house cleaning tools …
Living green is not something that comes naturally to many people but they still often want to know what they can do to have a greener lifestyle. When it comes down to it, what each person does every day is what makes a cumulative difference. Here are fifteen easy-to-implement tips on how to live a …
Before you make a decision on how much land for a homestead you need, it is important to think about what your end goal is. Some people homestead in the city on a regular size lot while others prefer to homestead on hundreds of acres. When you talk about how many acres are needed to get …
For those just thinking about homesteading or starting to take the first steps, the reality of homestead living is not romantic or even picturesque. Living on a homestead and being successful at it requires dedication, hard work as well as skill because knowing how to do things is half the battle. Of course living the …
In order to live on a completely self sufficient homestead you have to have skills as well as resources and those skills normally take time to learn. The good news is, you can learn them a little at a time and the progress from being completely dependent on the grid to becoming self sufficient is …
You can learn how to eat organic on a budget. Eating organic food might seem out of reach for some people, especially those with limited income, however the good news is eating organic food does not have to be expensive! Here are 10 tips to help you start eating organic food on a budget - even if …
Today's survival diary is about how Covid-19 has put a damper on our lifestyle, caused shortages at the grocery store and ultimately affected our mental health. This is my personal take on what has happened and what to do now.
You already know that natural organic food is better for you and your healthy lifestyle, but there can be some drawbacks to switching to an all-organic diet as I have learned first-hand. Processed foods come with a number of disadvantages, but they are known to last longer than natural organic food as they are filled …
If you're looking for a really cool project to chase away the winter blues or even lessen your reliance on electricity, then you will want to read on to learn how to make a solar oven! A solar oven made out of a cardboard box is an easy project that you can make, possibly with …
There are a lot of organic cooking tips. It is about so much more than just choosing organic food. The way you cook, the ingredients you add to the food including the butter or oil that use to cook the food with. It all plays a role. This is part 1 of a three part …
There are a number of homemade household cleaner recipes available. The ones you use really depends on your personal preference. These homemade cleaners are relatively cheap to make as long as you keep a steady supply of staples such as baking soda and vinegar on hand. Many of the herbs and spices you can grow. …
Content Warning: Some parts of this survival diary post contains graphic descriptions related to my past struggles and personal experiences. Please read with caution if you feel these topics may be triggering or uncomfortable. This weekend has been a whirlwind of homesteading tasks, and I felt it was the perfect time to write another survival …
⚠️ Content Warning: This post discusses trauma, abuse, grief, and loss. Reader discretion is advised. 📸 Image Disclaimer: You’ll see a mix of real photos and AI-generated images. Real photos capture my homestead, while AI images represent emotions and memories that can’t easily be photographed. It has been many years since I have added anything …
Disclaimer: I received the AmiGami Monkey and Giraffe kit for free in exchange for my honest, unbiased review. All opinions are my own. I had the opportunity to trial an AmiGami Monkey and Giraffe Kit. I had not heard of them before and neither had my daughter or granddaughter but they looked cute. My granddaughter …
Disclosure/Disclaimer: I received products mentioned in this post for free or at a reduced price in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own. I don’t write about a lot of children’s book on this blog for obvious reasons, but the Disney’s Mickey & Friends Collection Go Green! A Family Guide To A Sustainable …