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Red Hot Apple Wedges Canning Recipe

Preserving your own food means trying new recipes, such as this red hot apple wedges canning recipe.

While it is true, it is a good idea to stick to recipes you know you and your family will eat, it never hurts to branch out a bit.

Why You’ll Love This Red Hot Apple Wedges Canning Recipe

Simply put, it’s delicious!

The cinnamon taste of red hot candies really adds a lot of flavor and the red color does tint the apples, which makes them pretty for the holidays or to serve to guests.

The cinnamon taste it not overpowering in my opinion.

The other thing I love is that these apples are not overly sweet.

It takes just a few minutes on top of the stove to heat them up and serve.

Alternatively they can be used in any type of apple pie recipe.

Equipment You Need To Make This Red Hot Apple Wedges Canning Recipe

The Decision To Make This Red Hot Apple Wedges Canning Recipe

My husband and I heard about a deal on groceries – $15 for whatever you could get into a paper grocery bag – so we went to check it out.

A lot of the items they were offering were fresh fruits and vegetables.

Being a family of two means we eat a lot less fresh produce out of season then what we do in season.

Both because of the cost and because of the amount of waste when we do buy fresh.

However, this deal let me stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables meaning I bought enough to preserve at a reasonable price.

I didn’t want the same old apple wedges and apple pie recipes, so I decided to try this red hot apple wedges canning recipe.

Here is the recipe.


Red Hot Apple Wedges Canning Recipe

A completed red hot apple recipes canning recipe with the apples in the sealed jars.
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  • Author: Sheri Ann Richerson
  • Prep Time: 30 minutes
  • Cook Time: 31 minutes
  • Total Time: 1 hour 1 minutes
  • Yield: 8 pint jars 1x
  • Category: Desserts
  • Method: Stovetop


  • 24 medium sized apples, cut into eighths and treated to prevent browning
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups vinegar
  • 1/2 cup cinnamon red hot candies
  • 2/3 cup light corn syrup
  • 2 cinnamon sticks, 4 inches each
  • 2 Tablespoons red food coloring (optional)
  • 2 teaspoon whole cloves
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger


  1. Fill the cold pack canner with water and place it on medium high heat.
  2. Wash and sterilize the lids and pint jars. Then set them aside.
  3. Combine the sugar, cinnamon candies, cloves, ginger, water, vinegar, corn syrup and red food coloring (if using it) in a large stainless steel pan.
  4. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium high heat, stirring frequently.
  5. Add the apples and stir the mixture until the apples are heated all the way through. This takes about 5 to 6 minutes.
  6. Remove the cinnamon sticks and discard.
  7. Use a slotted spoon to fill the jars with the apples. Pack the jars to a half-inch from the top of the jar.
  8. Use a ladle to fill the extra space in the jars with the hot syrup. Be sure the apples are covered.
  9. Remove the air bubbles and add more hot syrup if necessary.
  10. Wipe the rim of the jar.
  11. Center the sterilized lid on the jar and screw the band down until resistance is met. It should be fingertip-tight.
  12. Place jars in the canner making sure they are completely covered with water.
  13. Bring the canner to a boil and process the pint jars for 15 minutes.
  14. Turn the burner off after 15 minutes.
  15. Remove the canner lid and wait for 10 minutes, then remove the jars, tighten the lids and allow the jars to cool overnight.
  16. Remove the bands and check the jars the next day to make sure the lids are sealed.
  17. If the lids are sealed, label and store the the jars in a cool, dark place.
  18. If the lids are not sealed you can either go back to step 10 and start over or put the jars in the refrigerator and use them right away.
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The Final Results Of The Red Hot Apple Wedges Canning Recipe

This red hot apple wedges canning recipe contains vinegar, so right away my husband said yuck.

I tried it anyway – and guess what?

You really don’t taste the vinegar, especially when the apple wedges are used in recipes.

Of course, he refused to try it until I used the apples in my Cinnamon Roll Apple Pie Casserole – and he just couldn’t resist trying that.

The Cinnamon Roll Apple Pie Casserole was a hit and he didn’t even realize he was eating those apples that had vinegar in them!

I will be making the red hot apple wedges canning recipe again, but the next time I will be using fresh apples off of my own apple trees.

I hope you give this recipe a try – and I do encourage you to make just one batch until you know how you like it.

That way you don’t end up canning something no one will eat.

Leave a comment below and let me know what you think of this recipe and remember to always use safe canning practices!

FAQs About Home Food Preservation

Q: Can apples be canned?

A: Yes, apples can be canned. Be sure to choose quality apples that are not bruised up, are juicy, crispy and both sweet and tart.

Q: Is it safe to can apples in a water bath or cold pack canner?

A: Yes it is because apples are a high-acid food.

Q: Is it necessary to add sugar to apples when canning them?

A: The sugar adds flavor and helps the fruit hold its texture, shape and color. It is not a preservative so no, you do not have to add sugar. Plain water or fruit juice can be used.

Q: Do you have to use lemon juice when canning apples?

A: Yes, you do. Lemon juice is added to preserve the apples natural color and to assure the acidity of the finished product. However as in the recipe above, lemon juice is only used to pretreat the apples to prevent browning.

Q: Why should I consider preserving my own food like this Red Hot Apple Wedges Canning Recipe?

A: Preserving your own food means trying new recipes, such as this Red Hot Apple Wedges Canning Recipe. While it is true, it is a good idea to stick to recipes you know you and your family will eat, it never hurts to branch out a bit.

Q: What makes the Red Hot Apple Wedges Canning Recipe special?

A: Simply put, it’s delicious! The cinnamon taste of red hot candies really adds a lot of flavor, and the red color does tint the apples, which makes them pretty for the holidays or to serve to guests. The cinnamon taste is not overpowering in my opinion, and the apples are not overly sweet.

Q: What equipment do I need to make this Red Hot Apple Wedges Canning Recipe?

A: To make this recipe, you’ll need a cold pack canner (also known as a water bath canner), canning jar lifter, pint canning jars, canning lids and bands, a stainless steel saucepan, a slotted spoon, a ladle, hot pads, a bubble popper or butter knife, and an apple wedger and corer.

Q: What inspired you to try this Red Hot Apple Wedges Canning Recipe?

A: My husband and I stumbled upon a great deal on groceries – $15 for whatever you could fit into a paper grocery bag. Since we tend to eat less fresh produce out of season due to cost and waste, we saw this as an opportunity to stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables at a reasonable price. That’s when I decided to try something new and opted for this Red Hot Apple Wedges Canning Recipe.

Q: What were the final results of making the Red Hot Apple Wedges Canning Recipe?

A: This recipe contains vinegar, which initially made my husband skeptical. However, he couldn’t resist trying the apples when I used them in my Cinnamon Roll Apple Pie Casserole. To our surprise, you really don’t taste the vinegar, especially when the apples are used in recipes. The casserole was a hit, and he didn’t even realize he was eating apples with vinegar. I’ll definitely be making this recipe again, perhaps with apples from my own trees next time.

Q: Can I can apples at home?

A: Yes, you can definitely can apples at home. Just be sure to choose quality apples that are not bruised, are juicy, crispy, and have a good balance of sweetness and tartness.

Q: What’s the best way to preserve apples at home?

A: The best way to preserve apples at home depends on your preference. There are six common methods for preserving apples, including canning, dehydrating, fermenting, freezing, refrigerating, and storing in a root cellar.

Q: Can I preserve food at home even if I’m new to it?

A: Absolutely! Home food preservation can be a rewarding experience for beginners. Start with simple recipes like the Red Hot Apple Wedges Canning Recipe and gradually expand your skills.

Q: What are some benefits of preserving food at home?

A: Preserving food at home allows you to control the ingredients, reduce food waste, save money, and enjoy seasonal flavors year-round. Plus, it’s a great way to experiment with new recipes.

Q: Are there safety precautions I should take when canning or preserving food at home?

A: Yes, safety is crucial. Follow recommended recipes, sterilize equipment, practice good hygiene, and adhere to proper canning methods to ensure your preserved food is safe to eat.

Q: Can I preserve foods other than apples?

A: Absolutely! You can preserve a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, jams, jellies, pickles, and even meats. There are countless recipes and techniques available for different foods.

Q: How long can preserved foods be stored, and how should they be stored?

A: The shelf life of preserved foods depends on the method used. Canned goods can last up to one to two years or even longer when stored in a cool, dark, and dry place. Check individual recipes for specific guidelines.

Q: Can I adapt recipes to suit my dietary preferences or restrictions?

A: Yes, many preservation recipes can be adjusted to meet dietary needs. You can often reduce or substitute sugar, salt, or other ingredients to align with your preferences or dietary requirements.

Q: Are there any foods that should not be preserved at home?

A: Some foods, like low-acid vegetables and meats, require pressure canning due to safety concerns. It’s essential to follow appropriate guidelines for each type of food to ensure safety.

Q: Can I use home-preserved foods in my everyday cooking?

A: Absolutely! Preserved foods can be used in various recipes, from simple side dishes to more elaborate dishes like the Cinnamon Roll Apple Pie Casserole mentioned earlier. Get creative and experiment in the kitchen!

Q: How do I know if my preserved food has gone bad or spoiled?

A: Signs of spoiled preserved food include unusual odors, off-colors, mold growth, or broken seals on jars. If in doubt, it’s safer to discard the food rather than risk consuming something spoiled.

Q: Can I preserve foods without using sugar or artificial additives?

A: Yes, you can preserve foods without sugar or artificial additives. Many recipes offer alternatives like using fruit juices or honey for sweetness and natural preservatives.

Q: Can I freeze apples instead of canning them?

A: Freezing apples is an excellent alternative to canning if you prefer that method. Be sure to peel and slice the apples, and you can use them in various recipes later.

Q: Is home food preservation cost-effective compared to buying store-bought preserved foods?

A: Home food preservation can be cost-effective, especially when you take advantage of seasonal produce deals. Over time, the initial investment in equipment pays off as you enjoy homemade, budget-friendly preserved foods.

Q: Can I make substitutions in preservation recipes based on ingredient availability?

A: Substituting ingredients in preservation recipes can sometimes be done, but it may affect the final product’s taste, texture, and safety. Always consult reliable sources or experts for guidance when making substitutions.

Q: What are some beginner-friendly resources for learning about home food preservation?

A: Look for books, online tutorials, and local workshops or classes focused on canning, pickling, and other preservation methods. Your local Cooperative Extension office is also a valuable resource for guidance and information.

Canning Food At Home

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