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How To Cook Venison Bacon In A Cast Iron Skillet

Cooking venison bacon in a cast iron skillet is really easier than cooking regular bacon.

Venison bacon is not only healthier than regular pork, but it’s also better for you because of its leaner meat and lower cholesterol content.

Unlike the greasy bacon you might be used to, this venison tastes much more robust with a flavor that cannot be matched by any bacon I’ve tried before in my life!


How To Fry Venison Bacon In A Cast Iron Skillet

This recipe makes great venison bacon, which you can eat up on its own or use as an ingredient in other recipes.

Venison bacon is not as greasy as regular bacon.

The pieces are much larger so they are easier to turn over and best of all, venison bacon only requires cooking for 6 to 8 minutes per side.

It is best to fry venison bacon in a cast iron skillet using a medium heat setting.

Don’t worry about adding extra fat when cooking up venison bacon.

Cast iron skillets allow all those good fats from oil vaporization during the high heat frying process to escape through pores on the surface of the pan while still allowing enough moisture to remain to give you perfectly cooked venison bacon.

When the venison bacon is finished cooking, it should still be slightly flexible.

Since venison bacon is already aged and cured, the internal temperature of the meat only needs to reach 130 degrees Fahrenheit for it to be done.

It is important that you do not overcook venison bacon or cook it on too high of a heat setting, or else it will be dry and tough.

How To Bake Venison Bacon In A Cast Iron Skillet

Of course, if you prefer you can cook venison bacon in a cast iron skillet in the oven instead of on the stove top.

To do this, simply lay the venison bacon in the cast iron skillet, set it in the oven and turn the oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit.

Cook it for 6 to 8 minutes per side and then serve it.

The top photos shows cooked venison bacon. The bottom photo shows raw venison bacon.

How Is Venison Bacon Made?

Venison bacon is made using ground deer meat along with seasoning and cure.

Sometimes venison bacon is pure deer meat and sometimes it is half ground deer and half ground pork.

Look at the ingredients on the package of venison bacon to determine if the venison bacon you buy is just deer meat or half and half.

Sometimes the seasonings are pre-made and sometimes the seasonings are made from scratch.

Once the meat is ground up, the seasonings and cure is mixed into it, then the meat is reground again.

From there is it pressed into pans similar to the way a meatloaf is pressed into a pan.

Then it is refrigerated overnight.

The next day the meat is smoked at 185 degrees Fahrenheit until the internal temperature of the meat is somewhere between 155 and 150 degrees Fahrenheit.

Once the venison bacon reaches that internal temperature, it is removed from the smoker and allowed to cool on wire racks.

Once it is cool, the meat is sliced using either a sharp knife or a meat slicer.

Cooked venison bacon.

Is Venison Bacon Precooked?

Most venison bacon is not precooked, however it is smoked and cured.

What this means is you still need to cook it, but only long enough to bring it to the correct internal temperature, which for venison bacon is 130 degrees Fahrenheit.

Does Venison Bacon Have Protein?

Venison bacon is becoming a popular dish, as people are searching for new and interesting ways to prepare it.

Venison bacon is low in fat and calories, but high in protein, making it a good choice for people who are looking to increase their protein intake.

Adding venison bacon to your breakfast or lunch can help you meet your daily protein goals.

So, if you’re looking for a tasty and healthy way to enjoy meat, why not give venison bacon a try!

Is Venison Bacon Good?

Whether you’re a fan of regular bacon or not, there’s no denying that venison bacon is absolutely delicious.

It has a smoky flavor that is simply irresistible, and it’s the perfect way to add some extra flavor to your favorite recipes.

What I had was not gamey tasting at all and while it did not taste quite like conventional bacon either, it was very good.

If you’ve never tried venison bacon before, you definitely need to give it a try.

You won’t be disappointed!

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