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Making a Sourdough Starter: How to Craft Your First Perfect Loaf

Embarking on the delightful journey of sourdough baking is like stepping into a world of tantalizing flavors and chewy goodness.

At the heart of this artisanal bread is the sourdough starter, a magical concoction that adds a unique character to each loaf.

Crafting your own sourdough starter is truly a labor of love, and it sets the stage for a delicious adventure in bread making.

The process involves understanding the intricacies of fermentation, cultivating wild yeast, and patiently waiting for that perfect tangy aroma to develop – if that is your goal, because not all sourdough has to be tangy.

As you delve into the art of sourdough, you’ll not only master the science behind the starter but also unlock the secrets to creating a perfect batch of sourdough bread.

The satisfaction of baking your first-ever loaf with your homemade starter is unparalleled.

Get ready to be amazed by the mysteries and complexities of sourdough, and relish the immense satisfaction that comes with each slice of your freshly baked creation.

It’s a journey worth taking—one that promises not just delicious bread but a newfound appreciation for the art of baking.

A sourdough boule baked.

Understanding the Basics of Sourdough Starter

Combining, nurturing, and utilizing a sourdough starter is a transformative experience for any home cook, offering a delightful glimpse into the thrilling world of wild yeast and ‘living’ baking.

The Humble Levain: Flour, Water, and Time

A sourdough starter, affectionately known as a ‘levain,’ is a modest yet magical blend of three simple ingredients: flour, water, and time.

This unassuming mixture becomes the beating heart of sourdough bread, embodying the essence of artisanal baking.

  • Flour: The Foundation of Flavor – At its core, the levain begins with flour, a staple in every kitchen. The choice of flour, whether all-purpose, whole wheat, fresh ground, an ancient grain, or a blend, imparts distinct characteristics to the starter. It’s in this marriage of flour and water that the alchemy begins, as the mixture transforms from a basic combination into a living, bubbling entity.
  • Water: The Catalyst for Life – Water, the universal elixir, acts as the catalyst for the fermentation dance within the levain. As it mingles with the flour, creating a thick, paste-like consistency, it sets the stage for the development of wild yeast and bacteria. This dynamic duo, naturally present in both the flour and the surrounding environment, starts the enchanting journey of fermentation.
  • Time: Patience Rewarded – Perhaps the most crucial ingredient in this trio is time. The levain demands patience as it evolves from a simple amalgamation to a lively, bubbling community of microorganisms. Over the course of days, the yeast and bacteria multiply, transforming the mixture into a flavorful and aromatic concoction.

Adoration in Every Bubble

This seemingly basic blend of flour, water, and time sparks adoration in the hearts of bread-lovers worldwide.

It’s the very foundation that sets sourdough bread apart from its yeasted counterparts.

The slow fermentation process, guided by the levain, imparts rich, complex flavors and a distinct tanginess to the bread, creating a sensory experience that captivates the palate.

Crafting the Soul of Sourdough

In essence, the humble levain, with its trio of ingredients and the passage of time, becomes the soul of sourdough baking.

It’s a testament to the beauty found in simplicity, where the alchemy of basic elements gives rise to a culinary masterpiece.

So, as you embark on your sourdough journey, remember to embrace the magic within the humble levain—a key player in the symphony of flavors that defines authentic sourdough bread.

Microbiological Marvel: The Dance of Fermentation

The art of sourdough baking is a mesmerizing journey into the world of microbiology, where the sourdough starter takes center stage, harnessing the transformative power of fermentation.

  • The Symphony of Microorganisms – Sourdough’s microbiological landscape is a symphony of wild yeast and bacteria, each playing a crucial role in shaping the distinct character of the bread.  These microorganisms, present in the flour and the surrounding environment, become the unsung heroes of the sourdough starter.
  • A Lively Rhythm of Feeding – The creation of a lively, bubbling sourdough starter is not an overnight affair; it’s a slow, patient rhythm of feeding. Repeated over several days, this process involves combining the humble trio of flour, water, and time with the natural microflora, fostering a dynamic and diverse community within the starter.
  • Wild Yeast: Nature’s Leavening Agent – Wild yeast, a captivating force of nature, is the primary leavening agent in sourdough. Unlike commercial yeast, which provides a consistent rise, wild yeast introduces an element of unpredictability and complexity to the fermentation process. As it consumes the natural sugars in the flour, it releases carbon dioxide, responsible for the bread’s airy structure.
  • Lactobacilli: The Flavor Architects – In tandem with wild yeast, certain bacteria, mainly Lactobacilli, play a pivotal role in shaping the flavor profile of sourdough. These bacteria produce lactic acid during fermentation, imparting the distinctive tanginess that makes sourdough bread truly exceptional.
  • The Alchemy of Fermentation – The beauty of fermentation lies in its alchemical transformation of basic ingredients into a flavorful and textured masterpiece. As the microorganisms work their magic, they create a symbiotic dance, releasing not just carbon dioxide for leavening but also a medley of aromatic compounds that contribute to the unique sensory experience of sourdough.

A sourdough starter bubbling away.

The Living Essence of Sourdough

In unveiling the power of fermentation, the sourdough starter emerges as a living entity, a testament to the intricate dance of microorganisms.

This microbiological marvel is more than a scientific process; it’s a choreography of flavors, textures, and aromas that culminate in the irresistible allure of sourdough bread.

As you embark on your sourdough journey, savor not just the end product but the fascinating spectacle of microbiology in action, crafting a loaf that is as alive with culture as it is with flavor.

Aromatic Alchemy: The Sourdough Signature

The starter develops a slightly sour, tangy aroma owing to the production of lactic and acetic acid by the bacteria, earning it the name ‘sourdough.’

This seemingly unassuming mixture is crucial for baking sourdough bread, responsible for leavening and flavoring the bread with a deeply savory complexity.

For those who prefer a less sour bread, using warmer water, around 80 degrees Fahrenheit and a fermentation temperature somewhere in the range of 70 degrees Fahrenheit to 76 degrees Fahrenheit produces a milder flavor.

Whole grains and rye flours used in the main dough also tend to produce a milder sourdough.

Warmer water, around 90 degrees Fahrenheit along with warmer fermentation temperatures that range between 82 degrees Fahrenheit and 85 degrees Fahrenheit, tend to produce a  starter that is more acidic and has a more traditional sourdough taste.

Another way to make sure you get that traditional tang is to add rye or whole wheat flour to the starter when you first begin making it. 

Artisanal Appeal: Texture and Appearance

The incorporation of a sourdough starter into the bread-making process goes beyond flavor; it profoundly influences the bread’s texture.

This transformative touch results in a soft, chewy crumb adorned with larger, irregular holes, while the crust bears a distinctive crackly, rustic appearance.

It’s the unpredictability in these textural elements that elevates sourdough bread to the realm of true artisanal delight, offering a sensory experience that captivates not just the taste buds but also the eyes and hands of those fortunate enough to savor its unique qualities.

Nutritional Alchemy: Breaking Down Gluten and Phytic Acid

Throughout the fermentation process, a sourdough starter becomes a biochemical powerhouse, producing enzymes that play a vital role in breaking down gluten.

This enzymatic activity not only contributes to the desirable soft, chewy texture of the bread but also enhances its digestibility.

Moreover, the natural fermentation of sourdough is thought to reduce phytic acid in the bread.

This reduction is significant as phytic acid can impede the absorption of essential minerals.

As the levels decrease during fermentation, important minerals in the flour become more readily available for absorption, enhancing the nutritional profile of the bread.

In essence, the sourdough starter not only imparts flavor and texture but also partakes in a transformative process that enhances the bread’s nutritional value and digestibility.

Sourdough Starter in the Kitchen

Envision your sourdough starter as a silent companion in your kitchen.

Through mindful nurturing, this living entity seamlessly integrates into your culinary space, infusing its unique flavors and vitality into the art of bread baking.

More than a mere necessity, it embodies a timeless connection between food, nature, and people—an enduring bond that unites us in the universal joy of breaking bread.

This living kitchen companion becomes a symbol of the shared experience and communal pleasure found in the simple act of enjoying a freshly baked loaf, fostering a deeper appreciation for the culinary traditions that connect us all.

Delicious Alchemy: From Simple Beginnings to Crusty Loaves

The journey from humble origins to crusty, flavorful loaves epitomizes the delicious alchemy of the sourdough starter, reshaping our perception of bread.

This odyssey beckons us to relish not only the final product but also the intricate interplay of flavors and textures masterfully orchestrated by the unassuming sourdough starter.

It’s a captivating expedition, encouraging us to appreciate the transformative artistry that elevates a simple mixture into a culinary masterpiece.

Various images of baked and unbaked sourdough boules plus sourdough starter.

Crafting the Perfect Sourdough Starter Recipe: A Labor of Love

Imagine a mouthwatering chunk of sourdough bread: the crackling crust, the dense interior punctuated with airy pockets, and that unmistakable, tangy taste.

This is more than just bread – it’s an experience.

Now hold that image, because we’re about to divulge the secret to baking a sublime sourdough loaf. The difference between good and great lies in building your own optimal sourdough starter.

Creating a sourdough starter is not just about mixing flour and water; it is also about nurturing a living organism.

It’s like a pet that needs love, attention, and regular feeding.

The ultimate perfect recipe?

You guessed it: time, passion, and just the right ingredients.


Making a Sourdough Starter

A sourdough starter bubbling away.
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1/2 cup unbleached flour

1/2 cup water


  1. To get started, choose organic, unbleached, whole wheat or rye flour. These types of flour are often chock full of the wild yeast and bacteria needed for that robust starter.
  2. Add lukewarm water (ideally 78 – 82F), a conducive temperature to get your wild yeast up and active.
  3. Next, mix the ingredients together until smooth in a container that is large enough for the starter to grow. It should be covered but not airtight, a cloth or coffee filter secured by a rubber band will do the trick. Remember, your sourdough starter needs to breathe.
  4. Store your starter in a warm place. Ideal temperatures range from 70 – 75F. This hospitable environment will allow the wild yeast and bacteria to develop, resulting in that desirable sourdough tang.
  5. Now feed your starter daily – or at least once every two days. Keeping a regular feeding schedule is key as it encourages healthy growth. Adding small amounts of fresh flour and water rejuvenates the mixture, provides nourishment, and helps maintain the right acidity level. Consistency is king, opt for a 1:1:1 feeding ratio – equal parts of starter, flour, and water .



Some people measure by weight – and some use measuring cups. I use measuring cups and once I get mine started I tend to use 1/2 cup fresh ground flour – but store bought is ok – and 1/4 cup water. Your starter should be the consistency of thick pancake batter.

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How To Reactivate A Dehydrated Sourdough Starter

In the event you choose to purchase a dehydrated sourdough starter from us or dehydrate some of your own and wish to reactivate it, fear not — reactivating a dehydrated starter is simpler than you might think.

Below are step-by-step instructions to guide you through the process.

For those in need of a dehydrated sourdough starter:

If you’re starting from scratch or looking for a reliable source, you can purchase a dehydrated sourdough starter from me.

With our carefully crafted starters, you’ll embark on your sourdough adventures with confidence, whether you’re a seasoned baker or just getting started.

Regardless of where your dehydrated sourdough starter came from, here is how to reactivate it.

  1. Day 1: Soak one and a half teaspoons of dried starter in one Tablespoon in lukewarm water in a small container with a lid. Let it soften for a few minutes, then stir in 1 Tablespoon of all-purpose, wheat or fresh ground flour. Cover and let it sit at room temperature for 24 hours.
  2. Day 2: Stir in one Tablespoon of flour and two teaspoons of water to the mixture. Cover and let it sit at room temperature for another 24 hours.
  3. Day 3: Stir in one Tablespoon of flour and one teaspoon of water. Within the next 12 to 24 hours, bubbling action of fermentation should start, especially in warmer environments.
  4. Transfer and Feed: Transfer the activated starter to a jar or large bowl with ample space for expansion. Stir in 1/2 cup flour and 1/4 cup of water. Mark the level on the jar with a rubber band. Within about 12 hours, a lively, spongy starter should develop.
  5. Continued Feeding: Continue feeding once or twice daily until you have enough starter for baking. Use 1/2 cup flour and 1/2 cup water making sure the starter is the consistency of thick pancake batter. Maintain equal weights of flour and water for consistency. Remove 1/2 cup discard daily starting on Day 4 and continuing throughout the life of your starter. You can save this in a container in the refrigerator for use later in recipes or dehydrate it and store it in your pantry. 

Remember to refer to the section “Cultivating Life: Nurturing Your Sourdough Starter” below for further guidance on maintaining your sourdough starter.

If you encounter difficulties during the activation process, check out our FAQ on troubleshooting a sluggish or seemingly “dead” starter.

Cultivating Life: Nurturing Your Sourdough Starter

Watch for the signs of life in your sourdough starter.

Bubbles, a rise in volume, and a distinct sour but pleasant smell.

It might take a few days or even a week, but patience is indeed a virtue in the world of sourdough.

Signs of Vigor and Distress

Be mindful of signs your starter might be in distress.

If the smell becomes overpowering, the color changes notably, or a layer of hooch forms on top, your starter might need some rescuing.

But don’t panic, often reducing the quantity and increasing the frequency of feedings can bring the starter back to health.

A Culinary Commitment

While it’s true your sourdough starter might need your commitment, the end results are overwhelmingly gratifying.

Making your own sourdough starter is a testament to the age-old adage – the best things in life are worth waiting for.

Now, armed with your homegrown, optimal sourdough starter, every loaf you bake becomes an embodiment of your culinary journey.

Each slice, a testament to your labor of love.

A Mark of Admiration

In an age dominated by convenience, creating a sourdough starter from scratch is a mark of admiration and respect for the process.

It serves as a reminder that extraordinary results stem from simple ingredients and a whole lot of passion.

The commitment to nurturing a sourdough starter is not just a culinary endeavor; it’s a celebration of patience, persistence, and the joy of creating something truly exceptional.

A sourdough boule baked.

Baking Your First Loaf of Sourdough Starter Bread

Now, you’re well-equipped with all things sourdough starter – the microbiology, feeding and cultivating process, and even the benefits that this delightful, aromatic mixture brings to your bread and overall health.

But, we’re more than excited to bring you into the actual baking preparation, for what’s a starter without the glorious loaf it births, right?

So, brace yourself as we walk you through the magical steps of transforming your matured starter into your very first sourdough bread.

First up, ensure you’ve been feeding your starter regularly, and it’s all geared up for baking.

It’s at its peak when nice and bubbly, usually 4-6 hours after feeding, depending on the room temperature.


Sourdough Bread

A sourdough boule baked.
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Units Scale
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 3/4 cups flour
  • 1/2 cup active sourdough starter
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt


  1. Take a half cup of that active sourdough starter and combine it with one cup lukewarm water in a large mixing bowl. Stir until it dissolves. This process, or ‘autolysis,’ allows the water to fully hydrate the flour, making the dough easier to shape and handle later.
  2. Mix in  2 3/4 cups of flour and 2 teaspoons of salt.
  3. Knead this mixture in the bowl for about 10 minutes, or until all the ingredients are fully incorporated and the dough appears smooth.
  4. Let nature perform its magic as you let the dough rest in the bowl, covered with a damp tea towel or slid into a ziplock bag that you seal, at room temperature for about 4 to 6 hours*. This waiting period is the ‘bulk fermentation phase, where a symphony of yeast and bacteria work together to influence your bread’s taste and texture.
  5. Once the dough’s size has nearly doubled with visible bubbles on the surface, it’s time for some hands-on work again. Quite literally. Gently remove the dough from the bowl, and lightly fold it over itself a few times on a clean, lightly floured surface. This process of stretching and folding helps develop strength in your dough.
  6. After a few folds, shape the dough into a tight ball. Place this in a lightly floured proofing basket or a kitchen towel-lined bowl. Let it rest, covered, overnight in the refrigerator. This stage, called ‘proofing,’ further helps gas bubbles form, contributing to your bread’s light, airy texture.
  7. The next day, preheat your oven and Dutch oven (or cast iron skillet with a lid) to 500 degrees Fahrenheit for about 30 minutes. Be sure you have placed a cast iron trivet in the bottom of the skillet or Dutch Oven.
  8. Place the dough on two layers of parchment paper once the cooking vessel you are using is pre-heated.
  9. Quickly make a few slashes on top with a sharp knife for an even expansion during baking. This is known as scoring and this is how people make those pretty designs on their breads.
  10. Pick up the parchment paper with the bread in the center of it and carefully place the dough in the heated Dutch Oven on top of the trivet.
  11. Sprinkle the top of the dough with a little bit of water – no more than a Tablespoon.
  12. Cover it the bread and bake for 15 minutes.
  13. Remove the cooking vessel from the oven and remove the lid to let the steam escape.
  14. Lower the oven temperature to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.
  15. Place a cast iron pizza pan – or similar item in the oven, place the lid back on the cooking vessel and place it on top of the pizza pan.
  16. Bake for 15 minutes.
  17. Remove the cooking vessel from the oven, remove the bread by grabbing the edges of the parchment paper, then carefully remove the trivet from the bottom of the cooking vessel.
  18. Place the trivet on top of the pizza pan in the oven.
  19. Gently flatten the parchment paper so it lays flat. It might seem like it is stuck to the bread, but it is not.
  20. Place the parchment paper and bread on top of the cast iron trivet.
  21. Bake it for 5 to 15 minutes until the bread has the golden-hue you want. Be sure to leave it in the oven until the crust is a deep, golden brown.
  22. Remove it from the oven once you are happy with the color of the bread and brush melted butter on the bottom of the bread and then the top of the bread.
  23. Allow it to cool and eat right away.
  24. If you prefer to wait to eat your bread, once it is cool, wrap it in two double layers of cling wrap and place it inside a sealed Ziplock bag in a cool, dark place such as a bread box.


* Keep an eye on the dough because the temperature of your kitchen determines how fast the dough doubles. It could be 2 hours or it could be 8 hours.

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Unveiling the Art of Sourdough: A Journey of Passion and Practice

Remember, the successful making of your first sourdough loaf lies in understanding the symbiosis between nature and food.

It takes the right blend of patience, passion, and practice to unlock the true potential of these simple ingredients.

So, cherish each step of this journey – from day one with your starter to the first bite of your home-baked, crusty, pillowy sourdough bread.

After all, there’s no finer joy than cooking, sharing, and savoring food born out of your dedicated efforts.

Boules of sourdough for sale.


Mastering the Craft: From Starter to Crusty Loaf

Throughout this journey, we have delved deep into the art of baking a loaf of sourdough bread.

From understanding the basics of what makes a sourdough starter to the mathematical precision in mixing the ingredients in the right proportions, every step contributes significantly to the final product.

We have also explored the joy of baking your first loaf of bread using your freshly made starter.

It’s time now to put this newfound knowledge to good use and join the ranks of dedicated artisan bakers, producing tangy, nutritious, and utterly satisfying sourdough bread straight from your own kitchen.

Remember, practice and patience are key, and every loaf you bake brings you closer to that perfect sourdough.


Sourdough SOS: Troubleshooting and FAQs

Q. What is sourdough starter, and how does it work?

A. Sourdough starter is a mixture of flour and water that captures wild yeast and beneficial bacteria from the environment. This mixture ferments over time, creating bubbles and developing a tangy flavor. It acts as a natural leavening agent in sourdough baking.

Q. How do I know if my sourdough starter is ready to use?

A. A mature sourdough starter should be active, bubbly, and have a slightly sour aroma. It should also double in size within a few hours of feeding. If your starter meets these criteria, it’s ready to use in baking.

Q. Can I refrigerate my sourdough starter?

A. Yes, you can refrigerate your sourdough starter to slow down its fermentation process. This is useful if you don’t plan to bake regularly. Remember to feed your starter regularly even when refrigerated to keep it healthy and active.

Q. What should I do if my sourdough starter is sluggish or seems “dead”?

A. If your sourdough starter is sluggish or appears inactive, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take:

  • Check the temperature: Ensure that your starter is kept in a warm environment, ideally between 70-85°F (21-29°C), to encourage yeast activity.
  • Feed it regularly: If you haven’t been feeding your starter consistently, start by discarding half and feeding it with equal parts flour and water. Repeat this process daily until it becomes active again.
  • Refresh with whole grain flour: Whole grain flours contain more nutrients that can help revive a sluggish starter. Try feeding your starter with whole wheat or rye flour to kickstart fermentation.
  • Be patient: Sometimes, starters can take a few days to regain their activity. Keep feeding it regularly and be patient.

Q. Can I revive a dehydrated sourdough starter?

A. Yes, you can revive a dehydrated sourdough starter by rehydrating it with water and flour. Follow a feeding schedule similar to reactivating a dormant starter until it becomes active and bubbly again.

Q. How do I maintain my sourdough starter?

A. To maintain a healthy sourdough starter, feed it regularly with equal parts flour and water. Discard half of the starter before each feeding to prevent it from accumulating and becoming overly acidic. Keep it in a warm environment if you’re baking frequently, or refrigerate it and feed it weekly if you’re baking less often.

Q. Can I use sourdough starter in recipes that call for commercial yeast?

A. Yes, you can substitute sourdough starter for commercial yeast in many recipes. Keep in mind that sourdough fermentation is slower than using commercial yeast, so you may need to adjust rising times accordingly. Experiment with recipes to find the right balance of flavor and leavening for your taste preferences.

Q. How long does it take to create a sourdough starter from scratch?

A. Creating a sourdough starter from scratch typically takes around 5 to 7 days. During this time, you’ll need to feed the starter regularly to encourage yeast and bacteria growth.

Q. Can I use tap water to feed my sourdough starter?

A. It’s best to use filtered or purified water to feed your sourdough starter, as tap water can contain chlorine or other chemicals that may inhibit fermentation. If you must use tap water, let it sit out for a few hours to allow any chlorine to dissipate before feeding your starter.

Q. What should I do if my sourdough starter develops a pink, green or orange hue?

A. A pink, green, or orange hue in your sourdough starter usually indicates contamination. If this happens, discard  the entire starter in the trash. Do not put it down your sink as it can clog pipes. Then start over making sure to clean everything really well with hot, soapy water and letting it fully dry. Keeping your utensils and containers clean can help prevent this issue.

Q. Can I use whole wheat flour to feed my sourdough starter?

A. Yes, you can use whole wheat flour to feed your sourdough starter. Whole wheat flour contains more nutrients than refined flour, which can help maintain a healthy and active starter. However, be mindful that whole wheat flour can ferment more quickly than refined flour, so you may need to adjust your feeding schedule accordingly.

Q. Is it normal for my sourdough starter to develop a strong odor?

A. Yes, it’s normal for sourdough starter to develop a strong odor, especially during fermentation. The smell can range from slightly tangy to downright pungent, depending on various factors such as temperature, hydration, and the types of microorganisms present. As long as the odor is not foul or putrid, your starter is likely healthy and active.

Q. Can I use fresh-milled flour to feed my sourdough starter?

A. Yes, you can absolutely use fresh-milled flour to feed your sourdough starter. Freshly milled flour contains more nutrients and natural microorganisms compared to store-bought flour, which can enhance the flavor and activity of your starter. However, keep in mind that freshly milled flour absorbs more water than commercial flour, so you may need to adjust the hydration of your starter accordingly.

Q. Will using fresh-milled flour change the flavor of my sourdough starter?

A. Using fresh-milled flour can indeed impart a distinct flavor to your sourdough starter. The flavor profile of freshly milled flour tends to be richer and more complex compared to store-bought flour, which can enhance the overall taste of your sourdough bread. Experiment with different types of grains and milling techniques to discover unique flavor combinations for your starter and baked goods.

Q. Do I need to sift fresh-milled flour before feeding my sourdough starter?

A. It’s not necessary to sift fresh-milled flour before feeding your sourdough starter, but you can if you prefer a finer texture. Some bakers prefer to sift fresh-milled flour to remove larger particles or bran, which can affect the texture of the starter and final baked goods. Ultimately, whether you sift the flour or not depends on personal preference and the desired outcome of your sourdough baking.

Q. How should I adjust my feeding schedule when using fresh-milled flour?

A. When using fresh-milled flour in your sourdough starter, you may need to adjust your feeding schedule based on the flour’s absorption rate and fermentation activity. Freshly milled flour tends to ferment more quickly than store-bought flour due to its higher enzyme and microbial content. Monitor your starter closely and adjust your feeding schedule as necessary to maintain it.

Q. Can I create a sourdough starter using only fresh-milled flour?

A. Yes, you can create a sourdough starter using only fresh-milled flour. In fact, using freshly milled flour may even accelerate the fermentation process and promote the growth of natural yeast and bacteria. Follow the same steps for creating a sourdough starter using store-bought flour, but be prepared to adjust your feeding schedule and hydration levels as needed to accommodate the characteristics of fresh-milled flour.

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