Keeping a goat's udder and teats clean is essential in order to prevent many problems including potential mastitis.
I prefer a homemade teat dip instead of using gentle iodine.
Why A Teat Spray Is Necessary
When goats are being milked - either by you, a machine or their kids, it make it easy for bacteria can enter through the orifice.
The reason for this is, when you milk a goat, the sphincter muscle relaxes so the milk can come out through the orifice.
It takes approximately 30 minutes after the goat is done being milked for this to close.
During this time, the goats teats are suspectiable to infection.
Using a goat teat spray does help with this.
How Do You Clean Goats Teats?
When I first started milking, I used gentle iodine on the tips of my goats teats after I was done milking.
This is what the person I bought my goats from said to do - and I did not know any different.
Before I sprayed the gentle iodine, I would wash their teats and udders with either a warm, soapy water and a washrag or one of those disposable body wash towelettes that you can find in the elder care section of stores.
Then I would massage the teats with the udder balm, strip the last of the milk out, re-wash the tips of the teats and then spray them with the gentle iodine.
My goats have never liked me using the gentle iodine - and I've always wanted something more natual, so I began to search for a better solution.
Here is what I came up with - and so far, the goats don't mind me spraying their teats with it.
It has worked well for me.

Goat Homemade Teat Dip Recipe
- Choose a dark colored bottle with a sprayer on it.
- Put the distilled waterand the alchohol in the bottle first.
- Add the essential oils, one at a time, starting with the grapefuit essential oil and working your way down to the clove bud essential oil.
- Once all of the ingredients are in the bottle, put the sprayer nozzle on, tighten it down and shake it.
- To use it, shake well, spray each teat several times to make sure the openings are coated.
- Store the homemade teat spray in a cool, dark, dry place.
Recommended Products
Sheri Ann Richerson is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
NOW Essential Oils, Grapefruit Oil, 1-Ounce
Tea Tree Essential Oil
NOW Essential Oils, Lavender Oil, 1 Fl. Oz (Pack of 1)
Now Foods Essential Oil, Clove, 4 Ounce (1 Glass Dropper Included)
Swan Isopropyl Alcohol, 99 Percent, Pint, 16 Oz
NESTLE - Distilled Water, 1gal, 6/carton ( NLE100604 ) ( 100604 )
Glass Spray Bottles, 2 Oz Amber Boston Round with Fine Mist Sprayer - Pack of 4

Do you have questions? I invite you to leave your comments below.
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