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Fight Fleas With The Amber Necklace

Disclaimer: I received the #ambernecklace at a reduced price or for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

There are two options when it comes to fighting fleas – the natural way with products such as the amber necklace and with commercially available chemical products.

The choice for me is to start with natural products.

Start With The Right Product To Get Rid Of Fleas

Sometimes – depending on how bad the flea infestation is however chemical products must be used.

I’ve been around animals my entire life – and one thing I know is fleas are dangerous to your pet and your family.

They spread like wildfire once they are in your yard, home or on your pet.

You must act quickly to get rid of them – which means using a chemical product, then continue to use a natural product plus proper prevention methods to keep the fleas away.


The Problem With Chemical Flea Prevention Products 

Over the years I have used a lot of products – some worked, some did not.

The problem with the chemical method besides I feel it isn’t the best route to take is the fleas become immune to the chemicals.

Then they don’t work.

You have to find a stronger product.

How The Amber Necklace Works

Natural flea products such as the amber necklace repel fleas by releasing aromatic terpenes that naturally repel both fleas and ticks.

The second way this product works is by creating static electricity when the collar rubs against your dogs neck.

The static electricity prevents parasites from clinging to your pets skin.

The only drawback is this collar takes up to 3 weeks of wearing it to reach the maximum repellant effectiveness.

This is not unusual however – natural products take a while to build up their effectiveness.

Keep Your Home Flea Free While Using The Amber Necklace

Vacuum your home frequently with a vacuum sweeper that still uses bags.

When you are done sweeping, immediately seal the vacuum bags before disposing.

Wash the bedding of your dog and any bedding your dog lays on weekly in warm soapy water.

This is where fleas usually breed.

If your dog lays on furniture, use a furniture cover and be sure to use a pet seat cover when you take your dog on rides in your vehicle.

Bathe Your Dog Frequently 

Bathing your pet weekly with a mild dog shampoo prevents flea invasion.

Comb through your dogs hair with a flea comb while the shampoo is in their fur.

This will help remove fleas.

Use cedar shampoo for your dog, and put cedar oil in their sleeping mats.

Cedar will repel fleas and other insects.

Excessive shampooing should be avoided, so do not bathe your pet more than once a week.

Keep Your Dogs Skin Moisturized

Fleas are attracted to dry skin, so to avoid it, give your dog a fish oil product designed for dogs and mix it with their food.

A mixture of brewer’s yeast and garlic, available in powder or tablet form can be given in small doses to your pet.

This creates a certain odor in pets that fleas do not like.

Other Natural Ways To Prevent Fleas When Using The Amber Necklace

Diactemous Earth (DE) lightly sprinkled on their food and on their body also helps with fleas.

You can sprinkle this on floors and furniture too but avoid breathing the dust.

Fresh or dried pennyroyal leaves is a natural flea repellent.

Use this in carpets to avoid the abundance of fleas in the home.

Do not use it if you have small children around, as this could be toxic.

You can also stuff your pets bed with pennyroyal as long as they are not likely to chew on their bed.

Mix 60 ml of lavender essential oil with 2.8 liters of rock salt then place this in areas where dogs will come in contact with it.

This solution could also be used to wash your dog.

Planting marigolds in the yard is helpful too, it repels certain types of bugs as well as fleas.

Use The Amber Necklace Along With Natural Flea Prevention Dips For Dogs

Boiled lemon or orange peel in water can be used as a dip for dogs.

Soak their dog bedding for a few hours in this solution, the wash it with warm soapy water.

Lukewarm water with little shampoo and detergent is a good way to prevent fleas.

A dog’s body may be dipped into the solution for fifteen minutes and then rinsed.

This only works if flea infestation is light.

Make sure your pet is wearing the #amberneckalce at all times!

The natural way of treating fleas is effective only if the level of flea infestation is minimal.

This method usually is recommended for prevention only once the flea infestation is under control.

Commercially Available Flea Prevention Products That Work

Generally fleas and ticks abound during the summer months, when it is their breeding season but be aware fleas can also be a problem in winter – especially if they are inside your home.

These commercial products help in fighting heavy flea infestation and are needed where severe invasion occurs.

However, it is always best to consult with your veterinarian as the choice of flea control will greatly depend on your life style and what is best for your pet.
Here are a few of the different commercially available products with chemical contents:

  1. Advantage. Active ingredient is imidacloprid. This is a flea poison, from Bayer. It is in a liquid form and applied to the skin, at the back of the dog, and works for about a month. This works by upsetting the nervous system of fleas when they come in contact with the liquid. This product is fast acting and is not absorbed into the internal organs and bloodstream of the dog.Studies indicate that this product is highly toxic to fleas and other insects as well. A dog will be free from fleas in just a couple of days. Ingredients are: imidacloprid — a chloronicotinyl nitroguanidine integrated from the nitromethylene class of a compound. This joins the nicotinyl receptor sites of insects, thus upsetting normal nerve transmission which causes death.
  2. Frontline. This product is very similar to Advantage, but is not water soluble, so alcohol is needed to wash it off. This can safely be used in pups, dogs, cats and kittens. Efficiency in repelling lasts up to four months. Active ingredients include: Fipronil 5-amino -1- (2, 6-dichloro-4 [trifluoromethyl]phenyl) -4- (1,R,S)- (trifluoromethyl0sulfinyl) -1H-pryazole-3-carbonitrile 0.29% inert ingredients 99.71%.
  3. Fipronil works as a nervous transmission interruptor, which causes quick death to fleas and ticks. It is proven to kills 96% of fleas for the first two hours and 100% within 24 hours. Ticks die sooner than they attach themselves to the host. Fipronil is from the new phenylpyrazole class.Very effective and can be considered safe, so long as dogs are not allergic to fipronil.
  4. Knockout. Performs like Frontline and is as effective, but can only be used in dogs. Active ingredients: Pyriproxyfen: 21[1-methyl-2-(phenoxyphenoxy)ethyoxy] pyridine….0.05% cyclopropanecarboxylate 2.00% inert ingredients 97.95% Also has NYLAR, which is flea growth regulator.
  5. Biospot. This is for topical application and kills up to 75 percent of fleas, eggs, and ticks. It also is a good repellant of mosquitoes and works for about a month. Temporarily, at times, it turns white hair to yellow. This can not be used in cats and contains permethrins and IGR.
  6. Proban (cythioate) and Prospot (Fenthion). While not to be used in cats, they are widely used in dogs. This is absorbed by the bloodstream and fleas die due to the poison that is present in the blood. For it to work, it requires the bitting of fleas. There are certain conditions to be considered though. You are injecting a small dose of poison into your dog’s body and side effects are not known. This does help if a dog has flea allergy, and can not risk being bitten.

Once The Fleas Are Gone Use The Amber Necklace

While it may be necessary to use commercial products to get rid of the fleas in the first place, especially if the infestation is severe, there is no reason you must continue to use them.

My advice is to use the Amber Necklace along with the other methods, so that it has a chance to start working before you stop using the chemical products.

Keep an eye on your pet, your home and your yard.

Use natural methods such as bathing your pet and vacuuming your home to prevent the fleas from returning.

Keep the amber necklace on your dog so that its efficiency doesn’t wear down.

You must stay on top of fleas because once you get one, they can take over pretty quickly.

All About Dogs


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