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Aromatherapy Oil Kit

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A basic aromatherapy oil kit is something everyone who is into essential oils should have.

It doesn't matter if you start your basic aromatherapy oil kit one essential oil at a time or if you purchase them all at once.

The most important thing is to choose high quality essential oils, not fragrance oils.

What A Basic Aromatherapy Oil Kit Includes

A basic aromatherapy oil kit would include the essential oils of Lavender, Tea Tree, Peppermint, Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Rosemary, Thyme, Lemon, and Clove, along with aloe vera, witch hazel and rosewater.

These ten essential oils are the most useful, along with being the most versatile for the home medicine cabinet.

Some Of The Basic Oils Have Antiseptic Qualities

Lavender Essential Oil is a natural antibiotic, antiseptic, antidepressant, sedative, and detoxifier.

Tea Tree oil has an antiseptic action thought to be one hundred times more powerful than carbolic acid, and non-poisonous to humans.

It's antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties make it useful for a wide range of conditions including infections, ringworm, sunburn, acne, athlete's foot and toothaches.

Peppermint Essential Oil is an excellent digestive aid, great for the respiratory system and circulation along with being an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.

Chamomile Oil Has Some Additional Unique Properties

Chamomile oil comes in several different varieties, including German, Roman, and is especially good for the treatment of nervous conditions and insomnia.

Each variety of Chamomile oil has its own unique properties in addition to being antibacterial, antiseptic, and useful as a disinfectant.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil Is A Must Have For A Basic Aromatherapy Oil Kit

Once you have used Eucalyptus Essential Oil, you won't want to be without it.

Adding a few drops to boiling water and covering your head with a towel while taking deep breaths will work wonders on winter colds, or you can add a few drops to your bath water.

Another idea is to add a few drops to a cotton ball and place by your bed at night.

It is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibiotic, diuretic, analgesic, deodorizing, and useful as an insect repellent and in veterinary care.  

However, you need to be aware that Eucalyptus Oil, as with many essential oils is poisonous if digested.

Geranium, Rosemary And Thyme Essential Oils 

Geranium Essential Oil is great for working with the emotions, many medical conditions, and in skin care.

Rosemary Oil works as a stimulant both physically and mentally.

A few drops of this oil in your bath will help stimulate you and help with muscular tiredness.

It's an excellent addition to the chef's pantry and the make-up cabinet.

Thyme Essential Oil is an antiviral, antibiotic, antiseptic, and diuretic product that should be used with caution.

It should not be overused as it can affect the thyroid gland and lymphatic system.

It is good for discouraging parasites and insects from your home.

Be Sure To Add Lemon And Clove To Your Basic Aromatherapy Oil Kit

Lemon Essential Oil has antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

Useful for cleaning, polishing furniture, weight loss and medical care.

Clove Essential Oil is antibacterial, antiseptic and analgesic oil.

Used for disease and infection and in your spice cabinet.

Do not use on skin undiluted.

A Few Words Of Advice About Your Basic Aromatherapy Oil Kit

Essential oils carry a wide range of properties making them a useful item.

Know the exact type of oil you are purchasing in addition to its properties and cautions.

Improper use of oils can be serious.

Keep them out of reach of children and animals.

Remember that essential oils must be used with care.

Seek the advice of a licensed physician for ongoing or severe medical problems.


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