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A Short Guide To Aromatherapy

Disclaimer: I received the Foxbrim Certified Organic 100% pure Jojoba Oil for free or at a reduced price in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

When you smell something nice, such as an appealing perfume, or a tasty dish being cooked in the kitchen, or fresh cut roses set in a vase full of cold water, that smell give you a good feeling inside?

These good feelings created by pleasing aromas are the basis for the art of aromatherapy .

People who practice aromatherapy believe that the scent a person smells can induce the body to stimulate its ability to heal itself.

Depending on the kind of scent or combination of scents that are inhaled or absorbed through the skin, the scent activates the immune system of the body, making it more capable of fighting invading microorganisms that cause disease and boosting its strength.

To make the body heal and become more resistant to illness, practitioners of aromatherapy make use of essential oils.

These essential oils are extracted from aromatic plants then blended with a carrier oil such as the Foxbrim Certified Organic 100% pure Jojoba Oil.

Essential oils are also often used in the making of scented candles, perfume, soap and other beauty products.

Essential oils are very volatile – they evaporate easily and they are easily absorbed into the skin.

Practitioners of aromatherapy, however, never use essential oils undiluted because these oils are highly concentrated.

They can burn and irritate the skin if they come into direct contact with it.

Essential oils are always mixed with what are called carrier oils before they are used.

What, now, are carrier oils?

Simply put, they are vegetable oils, extracted from certain kinds of fruits, nuts and vegetables.

They are called carrier oils because they literally carry the essential oil when mixed and applied onto the skin.

Practitioners of aromatherapy believe that each kind of essential oil and each kind of carrier oil have their own properties and characteristics.

To treat a specific ailment, a specific combination of essential oils and carrier oils need to be used.

The mixture is then massaged onto the skin or added to bathwater.

Sometimes, it is put into an air diffuser.

Below are the most commonly used essential oils and carrier oils, as well as the properties that each possess and the ailments for which they are used.

Essential oils:

* Chamomile.

Chamomile can help in easing pain so the body can relax.

It is also good for soothing the skin.

Chamomile is often used for people suffering from nervous tension, headaches caused by fatigue, and an upset stomach.

It can also be used for treating skin problems like acne and boils.

* Eucalyptus.

Eucalyptus refreshes as well as relieves congestion and pain.

So, it is used for colds, sinusitis and other respiratory problems.

It is also applied to aching muscles and joints affected by rheumatism.

* Lavender.

For ailments such as rheumatism and muscle tension as well as skin problems like acne and dandruff, lavender is often used.

Lavender can help soothe and relax the body as well as enhance the circulation of the blood.

Lavender is also applied to people suffering from insomnia.

* Lemon.

The citrus in lemon is refreshing and can provide relief from congestion and pain.

This is why it is also used for treating headaches and migraine.

It is also good for treating stomach problems, and it is also claimed to have the ability to reduce the appearance of cellulite on the skin.

* Rose.

The rose is great for the skin.

It is often applied to skin that is dry, delicate or sensitive, making it softer and smoother.

The scent of the rose can also aid in relaxing the body, so it is also used for treating headaches, stress and insomnia.

Carrier oils

* Almond.

Almond oil is good for the skin because it has Vitamin D and can help moisturize dry skin.

It is a popular kind of carrier oil because the skin can easily absorb it.

* Apricot.

Apricot oil is a light kind of carrier oil that is rich in Vitamin A.

Practitioners of aromatherapy love to use apricot oil because it arrests the skin’s aging process and helps revitalize the skin.

* Grapeseed.

Grapeseed oil is the most commonly used carrier oil among practitioners of aromatherapy because it is the least expensive.

Also, because it is light, it can be used on people with oily skin without clogging the pores.

* Jojoba.

Jojoba oil is another type of carrier oil that is good for people with oily skin.

It has the ability to break down excess sebum, which causes pimples and dandruff.

Moreover, jojoba has Vitamin E, a kind of vitamin that helps the skin maintain its youth.

The brand I am using now is the Foxbrim Certified Organic 100% pure Jojoba Oil.

The benefits of this particular carrier oil are it is lightweight, non-comedogenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and nutrient rich with Vitamin E, Vitamin B-Complex, Zinc, Copper and More!

I have grown the Jojoba plant and seen the seeds form that the Jojoba oil is pressed from.

One of the things I really like about this oil is its ability to mimic the natural oils our bodies produce.

Once it mimics those oils, it then helps to balance our own oil product by letting the body know if more oil is needed or if our skin has natural moisture.

This ability does not surprise me given that the Jojoba plant grows in hot, dry climates.

The Foxbrim brand contains only pure Jojoba oil – no fillers, fragrances, binders or additives – and this makes me feel good about recommending it.

You can use it as a daily moisturizer, makeup remover, facial cleanser, pre-shave oil and lip treatment.

You can also use is on your hair where it will provide exceptional moisture for deep conditioning and nourishment.

Don’t worry if you are suffering from skin ailments or have sensitive skin like I do.

The all natural, nutrient-rich composition of this oil makes it safe for people to use that suffer from these problems.

It is also ideal to use for acne treatment, psoriasis, eczema and to help fight the signs of aging.

I like this brand better than the one I was using previously.

This oil has a rich, nutty scent as it should and a golden yellow color which proves it is unrefined and cold pressed.

It comes in a dark amber glass bottle complete with a glass eyedropper.

This is the type of packaging you want when you buy Jojoba oil.

The directions are printed right on the bottle, as well as the uses and everything is very clear and easy to understand.

For those looking for a great Jojoba Oil, I recommend the Foxbrim brand!

* Sesame.

Sesame oil is a kind of carrier oil that is known for its nutty smell, but it has great antiseptic properties.

It is effective in treating fungal infections, skin infections and light wounds.

Aromatherapy is a nice way of treating the body’s hurts and pains, if only because the oils used in aromatherapy smell great.

Are you struggling with the fact that you really don’t know anything about how to use aromatherapy correctly?

Most individuals nowadays think aromatherapy as just a different indulgent exercise the privileged few enjoy.

But upon taking the time to delve deeper, one is likely to find a whole new prospect relating to the really diverse uses of aromatherapy.

What if I can offer you asolution that will help you to attain knowledge and learn about the best ways to use essential oils?

In this book, you will learn about:

– Aromatherapy Basics

– Tips For Getting Started

– Choosing How To Use It

– Recipes

– many other useful things!

Click here to find out more:

>> Aromatherapy Arsenal Is The One Book You Need To Succeed!

With great power comes great,responsibility. Once you know the secrets in this amazing book, there is no going back.

It’s time to get moving toward developing success in using aromatherapy!

Are you struggling with the fact that you really don’t know anything about how to use aromatherapy correctly?

Most individuals nowadays think aromatherapy as just a different indulgent exercise the privileged few enjoy.

But upon taking the time to delve deeper, one is likely to find a whole new prospect relating to the really diverse uses of aromatherapy.

What if I can offer you a solution that will help you to attain knowledge and learn about the best ways to use essential oils?

In this book, you will learn about:

– Aromatherapy Basics

– Tips For Getting Started

– Choosing How To Use It

– Recipes

– many other useful things!

Click here to find out more:

>> Get Your Copy Of Aromatherapy Arsenal Today!

With great power comes great responsibility. Once you know the secrets in this amazing book, there is no going back.

It’s time to get moving toward developing success in using aromatherapy!

>> Don’t Miss Out! Get Your Copy Of Aromatherapy Arsenal Today!

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