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Natural Stress And Anxiety Management

Disclosure: I am writing this post of behalf on 1Hour Break to help them spread the word about their Indiegogo campaign launch. I also want to open up the discussion about stress and anxiety. I was compensated for writing this post, however I do believe it is something that needs talked about. All opinions and experiences are my own.

When it comes to natural stress and anxiety management, I am all for it, which is why I wanted to know more about the 1Hour break product.

The 1Hour Break product with a drawing of the plants used behind it.



Facts About Stress And Anxiety

Stress is linked to the top five causes of death in the United States.

There are 95 million Americans who suffer from stress-related illnesses every week.

In the United States alone, 1/4 of all women suffer from anxiety disorders.

Often these stress and anxiety suffers self medicate with pills, alcohol, cigarettes, and food.


Why I Need A Natural Stress And Anxiety Management Plan

For several years my own stress and anxiety levels have been dangerously high.

I was diagnosed by my doctor with anxiety and put on medication.

The cause of my anxiety was the untimely death of my husband thirteen days after my step-father passed away.

I had cared for my step-father during his terminal illness and knew his time here was limited.

However, we had no idea my husband had cancer.

My husband was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma around the time my father passed away.

He had been in the hospital for two weeks at this point, but the doctors had no idea what was making him sick.

We received so many diagnosis’s that I didn’t know what to think and I am sure he didn’t know either.

We knew right off the top some of the diagnosis’s were wrong.

Once we finally received a diagnosis from Mayo Clinic, his death was very fast.

It was also very unexpected.

He thought for sure he was going to beat this.

I believed him, but sadly Jerry did not survive.

What I saw at the end of his life was like something out of a horror movie and I simply cannot get those images out of my head.

Conventional Medication Did Not Help With My Stress And Anxiety Management

The repeated anxiety attacks and the amount of stress I have been under since has left me wondering how I will continue to cope.

The medication my doctor gave me did not help with the anxiety attacks and the side effects were worse than the anxiety attacks themselves.

In fact, one of the medications had me feeling suicidal.

I recognized what was going on and called the doctor who told me to quit the medication immediately.


There Is A Natural Stress And Anxiety Management Option

During this time, I was still seeking a natural way to deal with the stress and anxiety I was experiencing.

This is why I was super excited to hear about 1 Hour Break.

Let’s talk about you.

What stress or anxiety is in your life?

Are you looking for a natural way to deal with it?

The 1Hour Break product.


Natural Stress And Anxiety Management And Relief From 1Hour Break

Now you may be wondering just what is the 1Hour Break?

It is the first all natural oral spray that relieves stress & anxiety.

It is made from Kava Kava root, which is widely known in Hawaii for its stress-relieving properties.

1Hour Break is made even more effective by adding three herbs that help with relaxation; Lobelia, Passion Flower, and Lemon Balm.

This product comes from a small family start up company.

They started out by launching an Indiegogo campaign to raise money for manufacturing and bottling costs without getting big investors involved.

This is how I first heard about them and got involved.

The Indiegogo campaign is over now, but you can still help support the company by visiting the 1Hour Break website  today to show your support for this all natural product.

I highly recommend the following articles:

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The 1Hour Break product with a drawing of the plants used behind it.



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