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Reusable Bakery Trays Make Great Produce Storage Trays

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If you've ever wondered what the best produce storage trays are, then you definitely want to read this post in its entirety because I have found the perfect solution!

Finding the best way to store fresh produce so it doesn't easily bruise is challenging - especially if you store your fresh fruits and vegetables in a root cellar.

You want easy access to the produce, you don't want it stacked on top of one another and you don't want it damaged in any way.

This is why I use the reusable bakery trays to store my fresh fruits and vegetables - even if I am only storing them long enough to cure or preserve.

Asian Pears on produce storage trays.

Garden Produce Storage Problems

The less bruising the produce endures the longer it will last.

I can most of my fruits and vegetables but sometimes it takes me a while to work my way through all the produce that comes in at one time.

I'm sure some of you know exactly what I mean.

When I first started preserving food, I just keep whatever I harvested in bushel baskets.

I quickly found the fruits and vegetables on the bottom of the basket got bruised and sometimes crushed.

I fed this damaged produce to my chickens but frankly my intent was to keep it for us.

I knew I had to find a better way.


Fresh Produce Storage Solutions

I tried using old pop bottle crates.

You know the wooden ones.

That worked ok but the crates were small.

So - I asked my grandfather what he used in his root cellar.

He replied he would show me.

Out came the reusable bakery trays.

I knew he was onto something - and I wanted some.

He sold me a few right there on the spot.

Asian Pears on produce storage trays.

Why The Produce Storage Trays Are Superior

The first thing I used them for was to cure potatoes before I put them into the potato bin for the winter.

While it is true all the dirt from the potatoes ended up on my floor under the reusable bakery trays, none of the potatoes got pitched.

They all cured perfectly not to mention the produce storage trays stacked on top of one another easily letting me make the most of the small amount of space available in my basement.

I had never had that much success curing potatoes, so naturally I was impressed.

The next thing I tried to do with my reusable bakery racks was to dry black walnuts.

Now I assumed the black walnuts would stain the reusable bakery racks - and they did.

This was ok though.

I knew what had happened and didn't mind one bit.

I just washed and rinsed them when I was done - and of course before the next use.

Again, my walnuts dried just like they were supposed to, no problems at all.

Storage Of Produce Is An Important Task

Since then I have used these reusable bakery racks for a number of items - pears including the Asian Pears in the photo above, peaches, apples, tomatoes, corn and any other edible item that was large enough not to fall through the holes.

I love using these reusable bakery trays - and I have had a lot less wasted food.

My chickens may not be real happy as their scraps are a lot less, but then again, I am growing the food for us, not them.



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