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Sow, Grow, and Glow: The Journey of a 1 Acre Self Sustaining Homestead

Embracing the principles of sustainability, self-reliance, and ecological harmony, I find myself on the path of a 1 acre self sustaining homestead. Here on my own 1.5-acre homestead, I use roughly 1 acre for various homesteading activities, and it’s been an incredible journey. Reflecting on the past, the idea of a self-sustaining homestead is far …

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Mastering the Art of Homesteading: Skills and Crafts

Homesteading skills and crafts are at the heart of this timeless way of life, offering a bridge between our ancestors’ wisdom and the needs of our modern world. Homesteading is a journey filled with rewarding challenges and beautiful simple pleasures, an age-old way of life that is making a resurgent comeback in modern times. It’s …

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Diligence & Your First Homestead Property: An Essential Guide

As you stand on the brink of acquiring your very first homestead property, there’s one word that should illuminate your path: diligence. It’s the linchpin that transforms your homesteading aspirations into a flourishing reality. While the convenience of online deals might seem alluring, the true route to homesteading triumph commences with a comprehensive commitment to …

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Leftover Pot Roast Recipes: Breathe New Life Into Your Leftovers

Leftover pot roast recipes are a homesteader’s treasure, but have you ever found yourself staring at that extra roast, pondering how to breathe new life into it? It’s a conundrum we’ve all faced. The truth is, we often underestimate the potential of our leftovers, even the seemingly humble pot roast. The real secret here goes …

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A Survival Guide to Outdoor Solar-Powered Generators and Power Stations

Today, we’re diving deep into a topic that’s close to my heart – outdoor solar-powered generators and power stations. When you’re in a situation with no electricity, whether it’s a short-term inconvenience or a prolonged outage, having a reliable power source can be a game-changer. When it comes to choosing a generator, one burning question …

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DIY Face Mask: More Than Just Pandemic Protection

Hey there, fellow homesteaders and preppers! Today, I want to talk about a topic that has been on everyone’s minds in recent times: DIY face masks. While face masks initially gained prominence during the COVID-19 pandemic, they have found a place in various aspects of our lives, especially in the homesteading and prepping community. In …

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