There is some highly useful survival disaster gear that you should carry with you if you plan on bugging out in the wild.
In the event of a disaster, it is better to be prepared and have a survival kit packed and ready for what you might need.
A survival disaster gear is a package that contains anything that an individual might need in order to survive in the wilderness.
This includes tools, weapons, food, water, etc.
If you plan to bug in at home, you might not need these items, but let's face it, in an emergency situation anything can happen so it is still a good idea to have a bug out bag that contains these items.
Importance Of Survival Disaster Gear In The Wilderness
In the event of a disaster, there are a few things that you should do to make sure you survive.
In the event of a disaster, your first priority should be to get out of the area as quickly as possible.
This will minimize exposure and help to avoid secondary disasters.
One thing that you should always have with you is survival gear, such as a tactical backpack and sleeping bag.
These items will allow you to stay out in the wild for extended periods of time without suffering from adverse effects from malnutrition or hypothermia.
When you are in the wilderness, there are certain items that are crucial for you to remain comfortable and safe.
Even with a tent or make-shift shelter, the weather outside can make you uncomfortable.
If the climate is cold, more than likely the tent or shelter you are in is going to be cold or drafty.
If it is raining or if there has been a lot of rain recently, you could slip and fall more easily in the woods then in an urban area.
So, you must have the right survival disaster gear and be prepared for unexpected situations.
Survival Disaster Gear Necessities For Your Bug Out Bag
In this article, we will look at five items you need to include when packing your bug out bag.
These are not the only five items you need, but they are essential items to include.
Plastic Ponchos
There are kinds of plastic ponchos made with thick plastic and there are those made with thin, fragile plastic that are folded up into small packets.
Ideally, you should purchase at least one of the heavy-duty plastic ponchos for each person in your family.
However, adding a few of the small light weight plastic ponchos to your bug out bag is still a good idea.
The most important thing when you are in a survival situation is to stay dry.
If you are soaked and it is cold, you may get hypothermia or come down with a nasty cold that could slow you down.
Chemical Light Sticks
Chemical light sticks are very handy to have.
It may be pouring down rain outside and that would prevent you from starting a fire to have light.
Breaking open one of these chemical light sticks and giving it a quick shake will provide you some light in your tent for 5 to 6 hours.
If you wish to read in your tent or clean your gear, you can easily hang this light stick from the top of your tent.
It is more difficult to do that with a flashlight not to mention the batteries in a flashlight might run down before you are ready for them to.
Chemical light sticks are also useful for seeing where you are going at night if you are unfamiliar with the area you are in.
Survival Blanket
A survival blanket might just save your life or the life of someone else.
If you are in a cold climate, these are a necessity.
They help to retain body heat.
If you are stuck out in the open with no tent or sleeping bag, wrapping yourself up in one of these survival blankets will keep you relatively warm.
They are lightweight, come in small packets and are easy to fit into your bug out bag or even your back pocket or shirt pocket.
Water Purification Tablets Or Bottles
In the wild, unless you are in a desert, it should be relatively easy to find water.
However, the water you find may not be drinkable.
This is why having water purification tablets or a water purification bottle in your bug out bag is so important.
You just need to add the tablet to the water or put the water into the water purification bottle to make it safe to drink.
Remember, while you can do without food for a few days, water is essential to your survival.
There are emergency drinking water packets that you might want to add to your bug out bag just in case finding a water source is not as easy as you anticipated it to be.
Paracord And Shemagh
These are two of the most versatile pieces of equipment you can carry.
They are lightweight and have hundreds of uses.
There are so many different ways you could use these items.
Paracord and a shemagh can be used for a variety of purposes ranging from protecting your face from dust or debris, gathering food in the wild, water filtration and even first aid.
My suggestion is to learn how to use both of these long before you ever need to use them.
Final Thoughts
Ensure that you have all five of these items in your bug out or evacuation bag.
There is a lot of useful survival disaster gear out there to think about but these five items should be at the top of your list just because they are so versatile and could save your life.
The wilderness can be unforgiving.
The survival disaster gear mentioned here will give you that edge to help keep you alive.