It's been a while since I wrote a survival diary but with all the craziness in the world today, I felt like today, August 24, there needed to be an update on what was happening here at our homestead - and while I hope all of you are doing ok out there, I am sure many can relate to what I am about to share.
2020 has been a year from hell to say the least.
From Covid-19, the worldwide pandemic that some believe is real and some believe is made up to riots, store shelf shortages and life as we knew it pretty much being gone, day to day life has taken a turn that I do not believe is for the best.
The Fear Factor And Effects Of Covid-19
Our elderly, as well as children who need full time care outside of their home, are wasting away in long term care facilities.
Some do not understand what is going on and feel like they have been abandoned.
Others are painfully aware of what is happening in the outside world and continue to try to adjust to their new normal.
Those of us in the outside world worry about our loved ones and ourselves.
Will we - or someone we love - test positive for Covid-19?
What will the outcome of actually getting this be?
Is it really no worse than the flu and just media hype?
Should only those with underlying health conditions or the elderly worry?
No one seems to agree on anything when it comes to Covid-19.
The one thing that I do know, is it is real.
I know people who have had it.
Some have survived and some have passed away from it.
I definitely do not want it, but on the other hand, will not be vaccinated when they finally get a vaccine.
The Effects Of Isolation Due To Covid-19
Which brings me to my next point.
Isolation - it affects everyone, regardless of age.
Feeling alone is something I personally have struggled with since March.
Events are either shut down or there is a limited number of people who can attend.
Of course, if you do attend, you risk getting infected, so for those of us like me with an underlying health condition and a husband with asthma, it is best to avoid crowds.
Doing things like going out to eat or going to the grocery store have new rules too.
Wear a mask.
Stay six feet apart.
Doctor visits are via Telehealth - and when you do get an in person visit, they are wearing white lab coats, a mask over a mask and a face shield on top of that.
When did everyday life turn into something out of a science fiction movie?
Depression, anxiety, loneliness - I'm experiencing it all and I'm not alone.
What are the long term affects of this going to be for everyone of every age?
I don't think it's going to be good.
Covid-19 Is Something We Weren't Prepared For
For years, I've been encouraging people to stock up, learn survival skills and be ready for any type of SHTF situation, but to be honest living through Covid-19 taught me there was a lot that we weren't prepared for.
Never once did I think about the mental impact living under these conditions day after day, month after month, would have.
I didn't really think about isolation.
Everything was more basic, like stock up so when the store shelves are empty you and your family still have food.
Buy extra necessities just in case the stores ran out of toilet paper, food or medicine.
Pack a bug out bag and be prepared to bug out if you have to.
Learn how to grow and preserve your own food.
My thoughts were always about what to do and how to survive and now I feel like I have not only let you down, but let myself down as well.
This is another reason why I have not posted in so long.
I do not know how to teach you to survive this isolation when I am struggling to do the same.
What Do We Do Now?
So what do we do now that we are forced to live this new normal?
To be honest, I don't know other than to continue to wash our hands to help prevent the spread of this infectious disease and to ask our doctors the right questions when we see them.
I guess we just try to keep making the best of this situation as hard as that is and ultimately know that things may never go back to our old normal again.
While no one ever said life was going to be easy, I don't think anyone ever thought it would be this hard.
I would really love to hear how you are coping with this new normal.
While we can't be together in person, we can still share ideas and thoughts online, that is as long as the grid stays up.
In the meantime, keep prepping, I suspect there is going to continue to be shortages for at least another year, if not longer and stay safe out there!