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Survival Diary August 23

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Welcome the survival diary for August 23, here is what is happening today on our homestead.


A wool blanket made on a Knifty Knitter Loom.


Garden Preparation And Storm Cleanup

It seems like the preparation for the garden never ends.

I have already started ordering seeds for spring and plants for fall planting.

We are still trying to get the yard cleaned up and the roof repaired from the storm damage in June.

It sure takes a lot to keep a farm going, especially when the unexpected happens.

Seed Orders

I sent in several seed orders already.

For fall planting I ordered some hard red winter wheat.

For spring planting I ordered Brussels Sprouts ‘Rubine,’ an Amaranth mix (for grain), a beneficial wildflower insect mix, breadseed poppy, perennial sorghum, Amaranth ‘Golden Giant’ (grain), Turnips ‘Noir d’Hiver,’ Seakale ‘Lily White,’ Spinach ‘Monstruex de Viroflay’ also known as the Monster of Viroflay, a Wild Garden Kale Mix, Regina Fiber Flax, Evelin Fiber Flax, Luffa, organic Nankeen Cotton, organic Mississippi Brown Cotton, Red Foliated Cotton, organic Erlene’s Green Cotton and organic Arkansas Green Lint Cotton.

I should have plenty of grains and fiber for processing next fall!

Plant Orders

I also sent in several plant orders which I am anxiously awaiting arrival of.

From Logee’s I ordered a Musa cavendish ‘Super Dwarf’ and a Vanilla planifolia variegata.

From Forest Farm I ordered two Sapindus drummondii trees so I can grow my own soapnuts as well as three Lindera benzoin shrubs.

I have been looking for the Lindera for quite some time and hope that I end up with a mix of male and female plants.

The berries can be used as a substitute for allspice and the butterflies simply love this plant.

I also placed an order with Gourmet Garlic Gardens for a Gardener’s/Epicure’s Delight Assortment of garlic to plant.

The assortment will include a mix of mild, medium and strong garlic’s perfect for my growing zone.

Craft Projects

We did get the Union Loom Number 36 home and I am working on threading it now.

This is a real job to say the least.

In the meantime I am still working with my knitty knifter looms on two other projects – a sweater made of wool and mohair and a blanket that I plan to felt.

The blanket idea came about as a way for me to use the small amounts of handspun yarn I have been learning to spin.

In a few more weeks it will be time to get Leonardo shorn for the first time.

I am looking forward to having my own mohair to spin.

The sheep, Johnny and Pearl, are fitting in nicely and are such sweet animals.

We are planning to add a small shop that hopefully will be open sometime next summer so I can have a place to set up my goat milk soaps, bubble baths, bath fizzies and other farm products to sell.

I also want an area to sell extra produce.

The Greenhouse

The greenhouses will have to be rebuilt soon so I have a place to bring my plants in for the winter.

The plastic is trashed on them from the tree branches hitting them during the storm.

Jerry wants to redesign the greenhouse to make it wrap around the house and make it bigger.

Bigger is nice, but that will take more to heat it.

This afternoon I will be working, trying to earn a few more pennies to add to the project fund.

It will be nice once the farm earns its own money.

This farm business is a full time job plus some.

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A wool blanket made on a Knifty Knitter Loom.








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