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Precious Angel Improves On Bil-Jac Senior Select Formula

Disclaimer: I did receive this item for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Precious Angel is a 13 year-old, 55 pound lab mix so of course he gobbled the trial size bag down. Prior to giving him this bag of food he had been on the same food since he was 2-weeks old except for a few occasional times when I tried a holistic or organic dog food to see if it would help him. He has some skin allergies and had been having issues going to the bathroom. His droppings were hard and I knew he was having a hard time getting them out. I also noticed he laid around most of the time. I asked the vet but she said he had lived a long life – longer in fact than most lab mixes. He will be 14 this October.

When you raise a dog from the puppy stage that is not what you want to hear. I cannot imagine life without him. The two of us have been through a lot together so of course, I am willing to try new things to help him and possibly prolong his life. I noticed after he ate the trial bag that he wanted to go potty a bit more often and that his stools were softer. I also noticed his hyper puppy attitude briefly returned. Then he went back to his old self. We made the decision when his old bag of food was gone, we were going to buy a bag of the Bil-Jac food and see what happened.

We chose the Bil-Jac Senior Select Formula because the package said it contained easy to chew bites plus it was made for senior dogs, which Precious Angel definitely is. The Bil-Jac food is on the left and the other food is on the right. At first he ate a lot – and I do mean a lot. It was almost like he was hungry even though I always keep his food bowl full. After a couple of days his food consumption slowed. He still eats more of the Bil-Jac Senior Select Formula than he did of his old food but not so much that he is is gaining weight.

His stools are still soft and the right color – not the darker color I was seeing before. He has a lot more energy – just like when he was a puppy. He is rather hyper – always has been – and it’s great to see this side of him again. His skin condition is improving. In addition to the dog food, we bought a cone to put around his neck to keep him from chewing initially. Now we can leave the cone off for hours on end and he seldom chews. His skin looks less flaky and I am sure this is why. When I brush him, less dander comes off.

I really like the high quality ingredients in the Bil-Jac brand dog foods, the high amount of locally sourced chicken and the way it makes my fur baby behave. I encourage you to give it a try. I am sure you will see a difference right away, just like I did.

Bil-Jac is available exclusively at pet speciality stores.

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