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Ideas For Independence Day Celebrations

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Disclaimer: I did receive the VivaRoses Firecracker Bouquet for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

There are many ideas for Independence Day Celebrations.

The traditional route includes having a picnic or cooking out in the afternoon.

Once the sun sets watching a fireworks display or even putting on your own display is very typical.

Some people choose to get creative by singing songs, putting on historical plays, or making their own decorations.

Another great idea is to decorate your home or yard in red, white and blue.

If you're looking for ways to celebrate Independence Day, here are some ideas.

Have A Picnic Or Cookout

Celebrate Independence Day by going on a picnic or having a cookout.

When I was growing up my mother always packed a cooler with ham, buns, potato chips and cold drinks.

We spent the day at the park, then watched the fireworks display at sundown.

A red, white and blue berry cake is the perfect addition to any picnic or cookout.

Be sure to bring along a red, white and blue picnic blanket or tablecloth.

If you don't have one that is all three colors, lay out three different tablecloths or blankets to get the effect.

Pack all-American food like apple pie and potato salad.

Be sure to use red, white and blue potatoes in the potato salad!

For families who are more adventurous, consider choosing a picnic theme that would fit the celebratory mood.

There are many options from a period costume party to a 1950s-style "Americana" picnic.

At the picnic, play some games.

Fly a kite is the weather is permitting, or play baseball.

Frisbee is another popular picnic game.

As long as everyone is having fun, that is what counts!

You don't have to go anywhere to enjoy the day if you don't want to.

A cookout at home works just as well - and honestly is often less stressful!

Brats, hot dogs and hamburgers are a great choice for this.

Whichever way you go, be sure to use Fourth Of July themed disposable napkins, plates and utensils.

There are eco-friendly options available.

Get Creative With Your Decorations!

You can decorate your house inside and out to celebrate Independence Day.

Here are a few great ideas!

  • Strings of lights in red, white and blue make a festive decoration for the occasion.
  • Fly the flag in your yard or on your porch.
  • Make decorative crafts, such as red, white and blue paper chains or window stickers. Consider using vintage decor - after all the Fourth of July began in 1777.
  • Place pinwheels in your yard in red, white and blue or flag patterns.
  • Hang red, white and blue paper lanterns from trees or on your porch. LED lights are safer to use than actual candles.
  • Tie red, white and blue balloons to your mailbox, porch, or other area of your home and property.
  • Hang red, white and blue streamers in your house or porch.

Just remember to be responsible with your outdoor decorations!

It  does not show appreciation for your country if you litter!


Live Flowers Spruce Up Any Decor!

I love hanging baskets filled with red, white and blue flowers.

By the Fourth of July they are usually overflowing and look so pretty.

Another option I recommend is red, white and blue flower bouquets.

These look so lovely on tables, front porches and other places where planters might not easily work.

This year, I chose to try the Fireworks Bouquet from VivaRoses.

It took eight days from the day I ordered them to the day they arrived.

They were absolutely gorgeous and fit right into the vintage decor idea I had in mind plus I love that they are eco-friendly!

Ordering flowers online is a lot different than ordering them from a local florist.

When they arrive, they are in a box and often in need of some fresh water.

One reason to order online is that you can get specials such as this one from VivaRoses.com where you can give free roses and get free roses.

They also have a subscription service so you save time, save money and never forget.

Here are a few tips for making the most of online flower purchases.

  • Quickly and carefully remove the flowers from the box.
  • Submerge them in room temperature water - flowers and all. Let them soak for 30 minutes. During this time you can remove and discard any leaves that will be below the top of the vase the flowers are going in.
  • Remove the flowers, one by one, but before you put them in a vase, hold the stem under water (running water or still water works) and cut the stem at an angle. This allows the flower stem to soak up water instead of air thus making the flowers last longer.
  • Fill a vase halfway with room temperature water and add the packet of flower food that came with the roses, then begin to fill the vase with the flowers.
  • Arrange the flowers to suit you.
  • Replace the water in the vase as needed. Be sure to recut the stems under water when you do this to extend the life of the cut flowers.


Celebrate The History Of Independence Day

Many communities have historical celebrations around Independence Day.

There might be re-enactments to attend, or other historical activities to participate in.

If there are none in your area, consider organizing an event yourself.

Celebrate the history of Independence Day by having family members read sections of the Declaration of Independence aloud.

Check your local library for books you can read aloud to your kids, or that older kids might enjoy reading themselves.

In fact, there might be something you would enjoy reading as well.

Another option is to look for historically correct movies to watch.

Making sure every member of your family understands the historical important behind the Independence Day Celebrations is really important.

Enjoy The Fireworks

As long as you are not in violation of local or state laws, setting off some colorful fireworks is a lot of fun.

But be considerate.

Think about your neighbors, and don't set fireworks off too late in the evening.

If they have small children or livestock it is best to talk to them before making big plans.

Loud noises can hurt children's ears as well as scare livestock.

Neighbors who know your plans can prepare their children or move their livestock to a safe place so they do not bolt.

Also remember to be safe.

Have the proper equipment with you and keep dangerous items such as matches or lighters out of children's hands.

Make sure everyone is at a safe distance when you set the fireworks off. Have a fire extinguisher and a garden hose handy.

An option instead of fireworks is sparklers or other fun items that snap, spark, or otherwise produce a sparkling effect.

There are many options today to choose from.

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