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How To Make Fortune Cookies


I wanted to make fortune cookies for Valentine’s Day and I came across this site that said you could make them using pre-made refrigerated pie crust. That sounded easy and I had some leftover pie crust left in the refrigerator that I was wondering what to do with, so I thought I would give the recipe a try. I forgot to bend the cookies in the middle because I was concentrating on decorating them instead of paying attention to the proper way to shape them. They turned out but don’t really look like fortune cookies. Hopefully the next time I make them I will remember to shape them a little more and I will pinch the bottoms together better than what I did this time around. Live and learn, right?


The first step was to create the fortunes. I found online that were printable and used those. You could print some up yourself or simply do what I did and search until you find what you want. Once the fortunes are printed, go ahead and cut them out removing as much of the extra paper on the sides as possible. Fold the fortunes in half and then fold them in half again just like you see in the photo above. This is going to help you with the next step.


Roll out the pie dough. If you are using leftover bits of dough like I did, roll the dough between two sheets of wax paper checking it every so often to make sure it does not stick to the wax paper. I tend to turn my dough over when I check it. I don’t know that this is necessary but in my opinion it keeps the dough from sticking.

Use a round cookie cutting, glass or other food grade circular item and begin cutting circles in the dough. I used a 2 1/4″ cookie cutter. I thought the finished size was nice and the fortunes fit in perfectly.


Pick up one of the circular pieces of dough and turn it over so the smooth side that was facing the wax paper is now facing you. Determine where the center mark of the cookie is going to be and place the fortune on one side of that mark. Now fold the dough in half. Pinch the edges of the dough together. I was afraid of making huge marks on the dough and did not pinch it well enough. You want the edge kind of thin.

Now – for the next step that I forgot about. Using the rim of a glass, bend the cookies in half. Not all the way in half mind you, but enough so the center puffs up and they look like fortune cookies.


Lay the fortune cookies on a greased cookie sheet one at a time until you run out of cookies.


Once the cookies are formed and ready to bake, decorate them. I used a stencil and the Wilton Pearl Dust in pink to create the heart shape on the fortune cookies. I also used it on some of the cut-outs to add some color and sparkle. Paint it on using a food grade paintbrush.


I also added some dough cut-outs I made using some of my cake decorating punches. I attached them with water I painted on with a food grade paintbrush. When they came out of the oven, I used Wilton food grade markers to color the ones I didn’t color before they went into the oven.

Once I was done decorating the fortune cookies, I put them in a 375 degree Fahrenheit oven and baked them for 10 minutes. When they came out of the oven, I removed them from the pan and placed them on a cooling rack so they could cool before I went on to the next step.

Once they were cool, I spread chocolate on the bottom of the fortune cookies. I could have dipped the cookies into the chocolate, but instead I spooned it on the edges because I did not want my decorations to end up chocolate covered.

I placed the chocolate edged fortune cookies on wax paper and put them into the refrigerator so the chocolate would harden. That took about 10 minutes. Then they were ready to eat.

These fortune cookies were easy to make and tasted great.


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