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Herbal Bath Ideas For A More Natural Life

Using botanicals to take an herbal bath is nothing new, in fact it has been going on for thousands of years.


Rose petals, slices of fruit – especially oranges, herbs and spices are all popular additives – just like milk and honey are.

Most people buy bath salts, bath bombs or bubble bath to add to their water instead of using the real thing – but that doesn’t mean using real botanicals in your bath is taboo.

In fact, it is the best – and cheapest – if you grow your own – way to create an authentic aromatic herbal bath.


Below are tips for creating your own personal herbal bath experience.

There are also links to products I recommend from companies I have a referral relationship with. I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

Orange slices are often used in the bath during rituals.

It is believed that adding them to your bath makes you beautiful.

I can’t personally attest to that, but what I can tell you is the smell is heavenly.

I actually like the smell of citrus.

I find it invigorating and inspiring.

I also found out that by cutting the oranges up a day or two before and adding them along with the cardamon and a vanilla bean to a half gallon of water I ended up with a stronger smell.

Here is how I created my herbal bath:

    • I added the oranges, cardamon and vanilla beans to a 1/4 of a gallon of water, then brought the water to a boil.
    • Once it was boiling, I removed it from the heat, put a lid on top of the pot and let it sit for 10 minutes.
    • Then I transferred the fragrant water to a glass container with a lid and left it sit in the refrigerator until it was bath time.
    • I then poured the contents of the jar into the hot bath water.
    • I added a total of 25 fresh stems of black stem peppermint, costmary and lemon balm to the water. I had picked the herbs that morning, sit them in an open window so the scent that they released throughout the day drifted through the house. They did wilt, but that didn’t matter. Once I tossed them into the tub, they looked revived and released their fragrance into the hot water.

Float flowers in bath water for a romantic look. Use whatever flower petals – or even whole flowers – that you like although you need to avoid poisonous flowers such as Brugmansia.

Choose herbs, fruits and spices you have on hand to add to the flower petals – or add them on their own – to create a truly unique herbal bath experience.

Keep notes so you know how much of each botanical you used and how you felt about the fragrance.

It won’t take long for you to figure out what scents you prefer. Keep in mind too that some scents are relaxing – such as lavender and some are invigorating – such as bergamot.

Another option it to use a mortal and pestle to crush the fresh or dried botanicals then add the results to Epsom salts or use them to create your own homemade bath bombs.

I find dried botanicals and essential oils work best for bath salts you intend to keep for more than a week.

It is also best to use dried botanicals if you are giving the bath products as a gift.

For immediate use, go ahead and use fresh herbs, spices, flowers and fruits.

I highly recommend the following articles:

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