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Tips On Buying A Condo That Suits Your Needs

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When searching for your ideal home or vacation home, trying to narrow down the choices can be tough. The following is a handy list of tips on buying a condo to help ensure you choose a condo that suits your needs - or the needs of the person you are looking for a condo for - perfectly.

A condo is a great idea for those who travel away from their homestead to another city frequently or who need to move a family member out of their home due to age or health issues. It is also a great place to write especially if you have distractions in your own home.


Set your condo up to suit you and your family. Be sure to keep items there that you might need even if you don't live in your condo on a daily basis. This is going to help de-stress travel and simplify the items you need to take with you when you travel.

Family Size

Are you a family with several kids, retired empty nesters, or something else altogether? The size of your current family should be a top consideration when condo shopping. Not only that, but whether your family size is going to expand in the near future (babies) or contract (kids off to college) is also something you should also factor in. Otherwise, you may have a place that's either too big or too small for your family.


The great thing about downtown Seattle condos for sale is their proximity to a wide variety of shopping, entertainment, and other amenities. If you plan on walking or riding a bike to work or school, proximity is certainly a top priority. Often condo owners are limited to only one parking spot so being able to get to work sans car may be a crucial element in your decision making process.


Do you or a family member have mobility problems or other health issues that require accessibility? If so, making sure your condo can accommodate your needs is an absolute must.

 Must-Haves Vs. Would-Likes

Speaking of musts, it's helpful to have a list of what you'd like to have and what you can't live without. This can make it easier to choose. For instance, if two condos both check all the boxes on your must-have list but one has a “would like” such as a fireplace and one doesn't, that may be your tipping point.

Of course, sometimes a place will just feel right. While the above tips will certainly get you in the right neighborhood, trusting your gut will get you in the right home.

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