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Self Sustainable Living Ideas Using Animals

There are a number of self sustainable living ideas that incorporate animals. Some of these animals can be raised in town without any issues and others require land to raise them right. The first step is to know what your local ordinances are, then choose the animals you wish to raise. There are many ways …

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7 Ways To Start On The Path To A Self Sustaining Homestead

The seven ways below are a great way to start on the path to a self sustaining homestead. While some of these ideas do require that you live in the county and are able to have livestock, you can start learning many of these skills even if you live in an apartment. For example, try …

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How To Sensibly Start To Live The Off-Grid Survivalist Lifestyle

There is a way to start to sensibly live the off-grid survivalist lifestyle even if you have lived your entire life in the city or suburbs, however it is important that you understand that living off-grid is a major lifestyle change. Starting out with this kind of lifestyle does not need to be an exhaustive …

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The Essential Guide To A Completely Self Sufficient Homestead

In order to live on a completely self sufficient homestead you have to have skills as well as resources and those skills normally take time to learn. The good news is, you can learn them a little at a time and the progress from being completely dependent on the grid to becoming self sufficient is …

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