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How to Freeze Raw Eggplant: Stocking Up for Winter on the Homestead

Learning how to freeze raw eggplant is a game-changer for homesteaders who have grown this bountiful veggie in their own backyard.   Whether your garden is bursting with eggplants or you just love having a stockpile of home-grown produce, freezing is an excellent way to preserve their fresh flavor and nutritional value.   As homesteaders, …

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Can You Freeze Corn on the Cob? The Comprehensive Guide

Imagine savoring a luscious, juicy ear of corn in the middle of a cold winter, transported back to the height of summer with every delicious bite. The good news is that you can experience this joy with just a little preparation and planning. Can you freeze corn on the cob ? Absolutely! Freezing corn on the …

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