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Simple Spinach Recipe With Lemon Pepper And Butter

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Disclaimer: The reviewer has received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. All opinions contained in this post are my own and are my honest thoughts based on my own experience with this product.

I love spinach - and if I can't have fresh spinach or am in a hurry, I always choose Allen's Popeye Spinach. You simply can't beat the convenience of a can of spinach not to mention it's high quality and tastes great. In fact all the vegetables in the Allen's brand are high quality and great tasting. Their spinach comes in three types - chopped spinach, low salt spinach and regular spinach. I chose the regular spinach. The nutritional benefits of spinach are indeed legendary but in case you are wondering, the information is right there on the back of the can. You can also see it on their website. I trust vegetables from the Allen's brand to feed my family and honestly they are as close in taste to home canned as any processed vegetables I've tasted.

So - how do I cook my spinach? With a little butter, salt and lemon pepper. A squeeze of fresh lemon juice either while the spinach is cooking or once it is on the plate really pumps up the taste. Tonight instead of seasoning the spinach while I was cooking it, I seasoned it on the plate. I simply poured the excess liquid off the spinach using the easy open pull top can lid to strain the liquid. Then I poured the spinach in a pan, turned the stove onto medium high and cooked it just long enough to throughly heat the spinach. I did stir the spinach frequently since there was no liquid in the pan.

Once the spinach was hot I scooped some onto each plate, made a small indentation in the top of the spinach, added a pat of butter, a sprinkling of lemon pepper and put fresh cut lemon wedges on the side. That's all there was to it. Each person could then decide if they wanted lemon juice squeezed onto their spinach or if it was seasoned enough to suit them. This is a great way to dress up a vegetable that is otherwise kind of dull looking. Lemon really makes spinach taste great and I have had numerous people who hate spinach ask me for my recipe after they tried it. I believe the key to getting people to eat vegetables is to start with a  high quality brand like Allen's and find the right way to season and serve it so it looks appetizing and tastes great.

The next time you are at the store, pick up a can of Allen's Popeye Spinach and see for yourself how great it tastes and how easy it is to prepare.

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