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Product Review: Zimtal Nylon Nut Milk Bag

Disclaimer: The reviewer has received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. All opinions contained in this post are my own and are my honest thoughts based on my own experience with this product.

I first saw nut milk bags at a health food store I frequent. I looked at the ones I saw and wondered exactly how they were different from cheesecloth other than shape. When I was given the opportunity to trial the Zimtal nylon nut milk bag, I accepted. I have been interested in making my own nut milk for some time not to mention I frequently make cheese and thought this nut bag would have a double purpose – and I was sure I would find even more uses as time went along.


I really liked the fact that this nut milk bag came with an ebook that contained recipes. Within minutes I was ready to make my first batch of nut milk. We decided the banana nut milk recipe looked good.

The bag has the finest mesh I have ever seen – and that is great because you know food particles somehow get through cheesecloth. I found the bag to be a little on the small side but with the use of a canning funnel it was easy to fill with nut milk. I found that it allowed the milk to drain quickly so I wasn’t waiting for long periods of time for my nut milk. I also liked how easily the pulp was contained inside the bag. This was ideal for squeezing every last drop of liquid out of the pulp.

The bag easily flips inside out so cleanup is a breeze. The quality of the material and the construction of the bag is wonderful. So far there are no tears and no ripped seams. I would caution however – since it is nylon – against using it for hot liquids as the nylon could fuse. I have not tried this but will use mine only for cold liquids.

Overall I am really glad I tried this nut milk bag. I am allergic to cow’s milk and sometimes even though I freeze my goat milk I run out. I also frequently come across recipes that call for different types of nut milk. Now I can make my own and make just the amount I need. No more wasted ingredients or a freezer full of left over nut milk that is forgotten about. Give the Zimtal nut milk bag a try. I am sure you will like it as much as I do.

Disclaimer: I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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