This category is dedicated to the memory of my late husband, a true partner in the homesteading journey. Together, we built a life of self-sufficiency, love for the land, and unwavering support for each other. Here, I honor his legacy by sharing the homesteading lessons we learned together, the projects we worked on, and the values he instilled in me. Through this tribute, I celebrate his passion for sustainable living, the animals we cared for, and the beauty of our shared homesteading dream.
Jerry Gene Stanley May 9, 1972 ~ September 14, 2013 Jerry Gene Stanley, 41, Marion, died at 5:40 p.m., Saturday, September 14, 2013 in the IU Medical Center, Indianapolis. He was born in Las Vegas, Nevada to W.L. and Mitsuko 'Michi' (Kimura) Stanley, Jr. Jerry graduated from Marion High School in 1990 and played …
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