First I pick and prepare the strawberries by washing them well and removing any bad spots. Store bought strawberries are ok to use if you don't grow your own.
I usually cut the strawberries in half unless they are large and then I quarter them. I prefer larger chunks of strawberries.
I do not like any of the pre-made strawberry syrups. They are just too thick and too sweet. I prefer strawberries that are slightly sweetened and in their own natural juices.
Here is how I accomplish this task.
Once all the strawberries are cut up, I sprinkle one to two Tablespoons of sugar over the top. I want to see the sugar but I do not want it so thick that I cannot see the strawberries below. A little goes a long way.
Once I have added enough sugar, I stir the strawberries to thoroughly incorporate the sugar.
Then I sit the strawberries in the refrigerator. I typically do not cover my bowl, but doing so is ok.
I allow the strawberries to sit for about four hours. I do check on them from time to time and occasionally give them a second stir.
At this point you can taste test one of the strawberries or the syrup to see if you have added enough sugar.
Keep in mind that the whipped cream is going to add more sweetness to the finished strawberry shortcake.
Once the strawberries are chilled and the natural syrup has formed around them, it is time to serve them. I use store bought shortcakes. You can make them yourself or use angel food cake if you wish.
Place your shortcake in the bottom of the dish, spoon strawberries and syrup on top, add whipped cream and sprinkles.